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About RogerH

  • Birthday 12/02/1949

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  • Location
    West London

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  1. ........but it's a long long way ... in a TR 4A....
  2. Hi Waldi, From Andy's explanation above I could follow his route on Google Maps. And it was a similar route to what I had looked at earlier. But reading somebody else's route gives a bit of confidence in using it. As it happened, I misread one instruction and flew off at a tangent. Eventually I did a 180' and got back on route 10 minutes wated. But is was an excellent route and one for the future. Thank you Andy Roger
  3. Hi Andrew your skin burn article was interesting. I have also found that issue but not as bad as that. I found that Germolene helped top rapidly quell the pain it has the base ingredient of asprin in it. Not sure what causes the 'burn' as it appears so innocuous when your hands touch iot for short periods. Roger
  4. How old and what sort of driving conditions. They look OK Roger
  5. Hi Chris there was one NOS on Ebay yesterday apprx £70 Roger
  6. Hi Folks, I have just seen that the A46 will be closed this week-end. What is the best route to get to the Car show? Roger
  7. Hi Chris the blurb on the Moss site states that the original Clear Hooters switch is now no longer available so the alternative is used as supplied by Lucas back in the day. These alternatives do need the dash hole opening slightly. Roger
  8. Hi Marco, You only hear about the Angle Drives that fail. You never hear of the ones that cary on working year after year. Generally they work well. Roger
  9. Hi Spaners my 1990 repro also had the Pansotti in the corners. https://plyvinecatering.co.uk/the-ultimate-stuffed-pasta-guide-12-tasty-variations-to-try/ I think It helped hold the roof skin up at the corner so that drips didn't run in. Roger
  10. Thanks for the feedback. So the same but significantly cheaper - hmmmm Roger
  11. Hi Folks I may have missed this in the past but has anybody tried one of these angle drives from SCParts. Any feedback https://www.scparts.co.uk/en/angle-drive/336340/ Roger
  12. That's it. If you look carefully at the road bridge to the right you may just see my TR4A going by. Roger
  13. Hi Jase No they don't. Old fashion engineering shop. The above link is for their contact details and location. Roger
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