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About qkingston

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/21/1959

Profile Information

  • Location
    Helensburgh, Argyll & Bute
  • Cars Owned:
    GT6 x 3, Herald, Dolomite, Stag, Cobra, Jaguar XK. 1965 TR4a completed Jul 22

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  1. Hi Phil, I used that hole for a hazard lights switch, it works well and doesn't look out of place. I reckon hazard lights are a really well worth safety addition David
  2. Could be a nice little side-line business for you there Roger, pickup and dispatch at sensible postage costs I suspect you have better things to do tho! David
  3. with free postage!! Thanks Rodders David
  4. I was considering a small stocking filler and was tempted by Revingtons TR4 Police Car scale model; £23 not too bad, but plus VAT and shipping at £16.20 !!! Is someone taking the Michael or is it to be delivered by one of the 3 Wise Men? Humbug David
  5. This was the shape I came up with (borrowed from elsewhere) David
  6. Same sort of idea when I built my 4a, seems to work effectively David
  7. For ref, this is how my wiper switch is wired, first pull slow, second pull fast
  8. I'm re-visiting this after trying to get the Retronics Intermittent wipe kit to work on my 4a. I have an original switch and a DR3A wiper motor refurbished by Alan T. Since I installed it 4 years ago it has worked just fine; I used the advice from Alan T to get slow speed on first pull, fast on second - not had an issue (although I had forgotten this was not std). Noting Roger's and subsequent comments re potential problems with installing int wipe using this wiring arrangement, I suspect I have found that issue using the Brown/Lt Green as discussed in the thread below. Apologies if I'm repeat
  9. Retronics do a specific kit, I don't know if he (Andy Winters) ships to the US or not https://retronicsonline.com/product/indicator-hazard-light-kit-rihm/ Rgds David
  10. It was the 54071383 number vice the 54071382 which Tim Hunt was quoting; don't know what difference that makes? Also if I assume the date is Aug 65, that is interesting as the car was built Mar 65; guess it got changed at some point! David
  11. In the course of adding intermittent wipe to my 4a I found this thread which was interesting, my Mar 65 car has the 2 speed DR3A motor with a slightly different number (plus a dead bug :)) David
  12. Replacement 6 coil spring fitted (Thanks Rich C-R), now slips easily into reverse. Every day a school day!!! Thanks for all the helpful hints, much appreciated Rgds David
  13. Peter,, Yes my gearstick has the slotted hole through it like that, although the top of the ball shape is flat rather than having that step. I thought the spring should have 6 coils as described above? Regards David
  14. That's what I thought. The clamp only extends about half the diameter of the pinion, so it's pulling it down on one side, allowing the far side to pull up slightly... that's my quandary
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