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TR Rob

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About TR Rob

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  • Cars Owned:
    BMW625CSi. E24
    BMW325i. E30

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  1. I applied for one of these several years ago as I was taking the company van into Paris. It was relatively easy to follow the application on line and download documents. The cost was something like 4€ and I think it was a one off application. The “permit” arrived after I had done the trip ! So the van was in Paris parked on the street for several days with no permit displayed on windscreen. Never got a fine or heard from the authorities, went thro’ several camera controlled areas, but again nothing ! Draw your own conclusions “Do older or classic cars need a Crit’Air sticker?
  2. To be fair, my spot and fog lights are purely cosmetic, the main headlights are now LED’s ( ClassicCarLED) and they outperform the auxiliary lights by some margin.
  3. Hi Richard, I contacted this chap, Martin, on eBay, and gave him the measurements I wanted (OD x ID x thickness)and he 3D printed them for me . https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/226485115895?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Ynw8jyiuTd2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=TCXkD65iQKy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. They are noisy…but surprisingly have an element of ‘character’ that so suits the car.
  5. Thanks, yes, thoroughly cleaned the points prior to reassembley
  6. Quick update on horn situation, cleaned and using very fine emery paper squared off the contacts, rechecked pin movement and reassembled according to instructions. Did a bench test….and it worked, still have got ringing in my ears ! Very pleased, and thanks everyone for their input.
  7. Hi Ian, the document Rob sent me is the same as yours, so I now have enough info. to hopefully put all the bits back together. Thanks for the prompt reply. This is the reason why we need to keep the forum open to all…… Rob….that’s the one ! How did you find that, I was looking everywhere ! On a positive note (no pun intended) I have got the seized pin out and polished it up with some fine emery paper. The pdf shows the sequence of re assembly, so that’s got me out of a pickle . Bit cold in garage this evening so will give it a go over weekend and report back how I
  8. Rob….that’s the one ! How did you find that, I was looking everywhere ! On a positive note (no pun intended) I have got the seized pin out and polished it up with some fine emery paper. The pdf shows the sequence of re assembly, so that’s got me out of a pickle . Bit cold in garage this evening so will give it a go over weekend and report back how I get on…..thanks again
  9. My TR3A has the original windtone horns. Recently the ‘high’ tone horn has stopped working. So today I thought I would take it off the car to investigate why ? This has now become a bigger problem than I first envisaged. Having removed the horn I took off the black domed cover and removed the horn from the cars loom . I then decided to test it on a spare battery with some fly wires. Horn did not work but there were a couple of sparks from the contact breaker, which on closer examination appeared to have little or no gap. I consulted my manual and decided to adjust the contacts
  10. My TR3a had this combination of lights fitted by PO. They were attached at an angle via the bumper brackets. I was never very happy with this arrangement so fabricated some new brackets and reattached them in a vertical position through one of the slots in the grille. During the course of this I became aware that the lenses in the fog and spotlights were fitted directly to the chassis of the light, this results in a light pressure applied to one side of the lens causes it to pivot in the chassis and obviously becomes misaligned. I don’t think it could fall out. After a bit of research it
  11. Could try Duncan at Classic Car LED. Although he specialises in LED bulbs etc. I am not sure if this one will work with your standard set up. But his stuff is top quality, a fair price and Duncan is very knowledgeable and customer focused https://www.classiccarleds.co.uk/products/12v-electronic-indicator-flasher-relay-for-classic-cars-with-oe-clicking-sound?_pos=1&_sid=700151be0&_ss=r
  12. Looks like you purchased from TRGB. I bought an immaculate TR3A from them. Competitive price, nice people to deal with and excellent after service. If I was in the market for another TR they would always be my first choice. By the way lovely car, hope you enjoy it !
  13. I was told when purchasing my car that it was Signal Red. I have purchased Signal Red touch up paint from several sources, and disappointingly it does not match. As a consequence I am not sure that my car is actually Signal Red or some obscure red applied by PO, or are there various shades of Signal Red
  14. On the recommendation of somebody on this site I asked for and was given this drying towel as a Christmas present. It is unbelievable, I have tried a multitude of microfibre cloths, chamois leathers, natural and synthetic and I can honestly say this cloth is light years better. Who ever recommended this, thank you…..a game changer!
  15. I think I have similar spotlights, and like you the glass does not seem to be a good fit to the body Mine have one screw to fix the glass and the threads are sound, but even when tightened up when I knock them when walking around garage the glass seems to move, but you can move it back into place without adjusting the screws ! Seems to be how things were constructed 60 plus years ago!!
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