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About Dady

  • Birthday 07/03/1954

Profile Information

  • Location
    South Wirral
  • Cars Owned:
    TR4a BMW M340i touring x drive

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  1. Hi Chris, not sure if I can help here but I have a pair of black leather seats I’ve taken out of my 4a IRS. Pm me if interested I can sent you some photos David
  2. Hi Niall, the Donington event costs £40 for a weekend ticket (that’s the current discounted price for any adult attending. Prices rise at the end of January. The TR Club discounts only apply if you arrive in and display your TR. at least that’s the way it reads to me. still at £40 for 3days classic racing, it’s a bargain David
  3. Neither did I Rod. I should have made it clear I wasn’t using my pc to access. I do find the club website not the easiest one to navigate though. A lot of housekeeping required methinks to simplify the process. Anyway, got there in the end, thank you. David
  4. Rod, thank you for the idiots guide to find the link! Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to work if using an iPad. However, by using the search engine on the “news and events” page and typing Donnington, guess what? The article appears with links and alternatively the code! got there in the end David
  5. Hi Rod, followed your advice, but nothing in the “news and events” drop down! No other “events” drop down that I can find. David
  6. Just thought I’d try and book. You have to select the CLUB drop down to see the mention of 50% discount. however when trying to book tickets you need a promotion or voucher code to proceed, otherwise you will be charged FULL price. perhaps the club can enlighten us (if there’s anybody there!), I appreciate that the office is still currently closed. David
  7. Hi Mick, very interested in this event. It would be good to know the dates for this and also if the promised link to book tickets could be made available. cheers David
  8. Cheers Bob, that’s a very thorough response and exactly what I have come to expect on this forum. I wonder what some owners would do without this source on knowledge. I will have to investigate further as I don’t know which headlights I have, though they are not halogen. David
  9. This subject will have been discussed many times I’m sure, but I’m going to raise it again!! How easy/difficult is it to LED lights to my TR4A? I’m thinking of headlights main beam/dip and dashboard lights only as these are particularly poor on my car. Also, which supplier have others used? As ever, all responses gratefully received. David
  10. Dady

    Noisy clutch

    Update on this issue. Just got my car back from a local TR specialist. As suggested by a few folk here the layshaft bearing was badly worn, to the point that the gearbox oil had turned silver like hammerite. The damage was such that the gearbox had to be rebuilt and the overdrive replaced (£££). See photos. Many thanks to Craig and John at TR Bitz, I now have a much quieter drive (as well as a depleted wallet! Haha) David
  11. I can vouch for the Aquadry synthetic chamois cloth from AutoGlym, been using them for many years, from my old Scimitar GTC through various Fords and BMWs. I also use the AG drying towels, not cheap but you get what you pay for. David
  12. Yes Stuart, it is the rears where the problem lies. No issues with the front. David
  13. Thanks Stuart. The rattle I refer to is only evident when the bolts loosen themselves, so wondered whether a thin rubber sleeve might help? David
  14. Before I refit the hard top for winter I wondered if anyone had any suggestions for reducing the rattle from the rear securing bolts. A rubber insert perhaps? Also, whilst I’m at it, what do others do to help prevent the chrome knobs from loosening, as additional steel washers don’t do the trick. To prevent the bolts from over tightening and pushing up into the roof and splitting the paint, I’ve secured them with Loctite 248 lockthreader. As ever, all contributions gratefully appreciated, David
  15. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, mine might be of interest. pm me if you would like to chat. David
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