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Snake Oil Inventions and the like

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Whilst trawling in search of some esoteric fuel atomisation processes, which whilst not quite falling into the Snake Oil category of things like EVANS Waterless Coolant, Phantom Grip LSD's and zero heat transfer pipe coatings, on a Jaguar forum I found the following that you might enjoy, I'm sure Peter will translate the Scientific Content for us :)





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What a splendidly detailed exposition of a very clever development.

The man is a genius and the US Government ought to grab the opportunity to take it on board before the Russians (or Mugabe) does so.

Ian Cornish

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Charlie D.

I remember part of Stan Unwin´s advert for a pint of beer and pointing at it and watching the bubbles rise he says

For the best picket of the inner brewflade -- Flowers. or something like that

.Must watch the others of him and Dave Allen.



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Hello All

I have had a brilliant idea! you know those pellets people put in there petrol tanks?


Well I have developed a better product!


All I need is is some willing investors and an old supply of out of date Alka-Selters.


Now the plan is to just brush a small coat of powdered lead on one side and they are ready for use?


I am not sure if they will dissolve in petrol(no testing done yet) but if they do the punters would need a fresh tablet each time they fill up with fuel?


So at a modest 50p a tablet in packs of 2 plus p&p @ £5!


I will be a millionaire buy Christmas?


Investors needed get in on the ground for as they say and if it blocks the fuel system we will sell them some other potion?



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Do Alka tablets give of any oxygen when they Fiz, If so we can sell them for racing as well as oxygenating the fuel is permitted! They may also help cure bad backfire's, or would they promote it?


Could we also repackage Steradent Tablets as cooling system cleaners?



Edited by oldtuckunder
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Angina tablets is what you need for the fuel tank...... werent they made from nitro glycerine?

Now thats a performance idea

More bang for your buck !!


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Hello All,


Years ago someone was selling magnets that you placed around your fuel pipe to help increase your MPG. (They gave a very scientific reason why it worked.)


Obviously a load of rubbish, but I had some very strong magnets that I’d taken from an old hard drive, so I taped them to the fuel pipe of my Bedford Ambulance that used to achieve 20 MPG. I was amazed when checking my fuel consumption the following week I was getting close to 25 MPH.


Obviously coincidence I decided, so I removed the magnets and the following week the consumption had fallen again to 20.


I tried it over the next month, one week with magnets, the next without.


With the magnets attached IT DID improve the consumption.


But that is impossible, I hear you all say.


I did some research into the whole business of all these devices that claimed to improve fuel consumption and some one came up with the reason why they ALL work, to some extent.


He wasn’t an engineer, he was some sort of medical doctor. He explained that when you fit such a device you sub consciously WANT it to work , so you improve your driving habits without realizing it, and so get better consumption. When you remove the device you sub consciously go back to your old bad habits, and so the consumption goes back down.


Apparently that is why some people do genuinely believe that they work.



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Apparently that is why some people do genuinely believe that they work.




I think its how a lot of bolt on performance parts work, after spending the money your convinced things have improved.


I think it's why we have had no offers to do temp readings on ceramic coated manifolds on another thread :ph34r:



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Charlie, You describe the 'placebo effect'. Which is why 'double blind' trials of drugs are carried out, neither the guinea pigs nor the trial assessors know who got the drug or the dummy drug.

Or magnets...


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Do it again, 'blinded' - get a friend to go under the car once a week.

They put the magnets on, or not, at random - even better a similarly shaped block of wood, wrapped as the magnet is in, say, duct tape, so even if you take a 'accidental' look underneath you can't tell.


Bet the original sellers never did that!



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Hello All

I take it my idea is dead in the water then? B****r


Still I have enough Alla-seltzers to last a life time and the next one(not really)


But then on second thoughts there are enough mugs out there perhaps a different marketing approach? now let me think what else could they cure?????




ps just like Dell Boy always after the next deal!

Edited by rogerguzzi
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I think its how a lot of bolt on performance parts work, after spending the money your convinced things have improved.


I think it's why we have had no offers to do temp readings on ceramic coated manifolds on another thread :ph34r:



I went through the 'improvement' phase on the Holden wagon I had years ago.

Extractors, electronic ignition etc.

Kept a record of fuel consumption during the process.

Nothing changed consumption wise until I took the mechanical fan off and installed a Davies Craig* electric fan instead. (*Only one on the market then.)

Immediately got an extra 4 MPG.

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