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About stillp

  • Birthday 08/19/1948

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  1. Happy birthday young Roger! Pete
  2. When I was studying for a C & G Colour TV Technician certificate, one of our lecturers told us the exam would be bound to ask us the PAL colour sub-carrier frequency. Of course the exam didn't have such a question, so I've been wasting a brain cell remembering 4.43361875 MHz since 1973. Pete
  3. Change it, then you'll know it's OK. You can also check the old oil for metal particles. I suggest Penrite GB40. Pete
  4. Thanks for that generous offer Peter, but I'm afraid I must decline! Pete
  5. Even better, mix the shreddings with the grass clippings when you mow the lawn. Makes great compost. Pete
  6. I bet you claim to have forgotten that £50 I lent you the week before last! Pete
  7. Sorry to have missed this Sue, but many happy returns! Pete
  8. Have you tried using Dermashield? A colleague had tried various prescription and non-prescription creams, none of which helped, but Dermashield did. It's also very good for making grease, paint and general grime wash off easily. Pete
  9. Episode 39 is mainly electronics: Pete
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