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brian -r

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About brian -r

  • Birthday 06/08/1951

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  1. Happy Birthday John Have a great day Bri
  2. Looks really nice ,a good find . Enjoy Brian
  3. Silly Sunday question. Do the two small flexi hoses from the air filter into the front valance serve any real purpose. Mine are tatty and I'm thinking of doing away with them . Bri
  4. Hi Jason Welcome to the forum and good look with your search. Keep an eye on the classified ads link at the top of the forum menu also TRGB in Somersham Cambs. Usually have a selection of reasonably priced cars , not too far from you I think Really like the look of your ex Marlin. As for finding a car John 's advice will stand you in good stead. Brian
  5. Looking at your photo I'm sure there are identical items on Woolies website www.woolies-trim-.co.uk Brian
  6. Thanks for the clarification Wayne. I shall remove my post, Brian
  7. Wishing one and all a TeRRific 2025 Have a safe one Brian
  8. Rob Let me live in the vain hope that reason and common sense will prevail Bri
  9. This thread has NOT BEEN PULLED only moved to Alec's Inn and is still active, the reason being post are drifting into club management, finances and personal issues. not an ideal look for non forum members. The full details of the issue are now visible on here thanks to Stuart who is much faster on the keyboard than myself Brian Ps Those that wish to continue to discuss internal club matters can still do so in Alec's Inn and leave this space uncluttered for all our valued non member contributors
  10. Gents the original thread has drifted too far into other realms of club issues to remain in open forum. I have opened this thread in fairness to all registered users /non TRR members to continue to have a voice Brian
  11. Happy Christmas and a great 2025 to you all. Brian
  12. When I changed mine some time back I left the metering unit in place , its a fiddle but doable. I can't remember if new banjo seals came with the pipes or not but worth renewing them while your there. Brian
  13. Happy birthday Roger Have a great day. Bri
  14. The gentleman's name would suggest Germany but he did not state this Brian
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