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Allan Westbury

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About Allan Westbury

  • Birthday 08/01/1947

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  • Cars Owned:
    TR4A, TR7

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  1. Moss book page 176 item 27 in black if possible but any colour ok as I can paint.
  2. Here is a scan of the original article. Apologies it is upside down.Issue 227 - Page 31.pdf
  3. Phil, I printed mine off from the TRAction resources section on the club website. The diagram isn't that clear but I found best to print the article than read the diag with a magnifying glass. High tech at its best! cheers, allan
  4. I have had fitted since the article came out. Probably the best mod I have ever done to my 4A
  5. I cant check now but think TS2 runs on radials. Good idea to look for sponsorship, I hadn't thought of that. cheers, Allan
  6. Thanks Charlie, that sounds quite possible and as you say potentially very messy! Definitely a top cover off job me thinks. cheers, allan
  7. The last MOT on TS2 advised that new tyres were needed all round. We replaced the last set with Avons only 15,000 miles ago which is not a great distance really. Can I have recommendations please for which tyres people think best. I know tyres are an incredibly personal issue but I was wondering if there was some possible consensus! thanks, Allan
  8. Just noticed I am still tagged as Chairman. Not true! Will have to change. Apologies
  9. Those of you watching the Arena area of the show today may have seen Alix from A-Plan being handed the keys of a white TR6 as part of the Classic Car Loan Project. The car arrived from France on a trailer Friday morning having been completely restored 2 years ago but having done only 750 miles since. It is a condition o the scheme that any loan car has an MOT so although we had taxed the car(free) and she had insured it I drove it home to get it: a) checked over by TRGB before we actually hand it over b)passing an MOT. On the way home the car became reluctant or imposs
  10. I am now at the stage of connecting up everything behind the dash. While I know that I have a black, Brown/LG & Red/LG to connect I do not know which terminals on the 2-speed switch to connect them to. The switch has terminal 1, 3/4, 5/6 , 7 & 8. None of my books/wiring diagrams show the terminal numbers. Any help would be appreciated. cheers, Allan
  11. Hi Allan,

    Apologies for the delay in responding, just getting used to the Forum setup. I am in Essex, Leigh-on-Sea to be precise and, as I said, really new to Triumph cars, and the Register.

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