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About tthomson

  • Birthday 11/22/1952

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Marlow, Bucks
  • Cars Owned:
    see signature

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  1. Hi David, Having been through a similar situation, where after having some welding done, the loom was fried, I bought an autosparks loom with Alternator conversion. I did consider making my own loom, but purchasing all the different coloured wires of the correct current rating meant the cost escalated enormously. I have attached a colour pdf of the wiring in my car at that time. (various mods and changes since). This file is quite large so if you have a problem with it, I can send it direct.
  2. With petrol now having 10% Ethanol, (E10), the rubber pipes are better replaced by silicone. Rubber starts to distend when Ethanol is present.
  3. Another glorious day in the UK

  4. A beautiful Spring day here in Bucks.

  5. Longest day today - I really love sunny summer days. Shame there have been so few of them this year

    1. AndrewP


      Shortest day here..Roll on more daylight and sun shine :)

    2. ianhoward


      Yes - the nights are drawing in now;-)

  6. A lovely sunny autumn day - This has been a good year so far.

  7. A lovely spring day today!

  8. A lovely spring day today!

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