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4 hours ago, RogerH said:

Hi John,

Biblical miracles happened a very long time before they were written.

It is highly likely that misinterpretation occurred  along with translation issues.

These UFO things are modern and tend to be reported quite quickly. No interpretation issues etc.

Comparing one with the other is simply grasping at straws.

I do n't believe in miracles but I am religious.  I donlt believe in UFO's but I do have an Alien hat.



Not so Roger, phenomena that resemble modern UFOs have been reported centuries ago. Columbus experinced one, Ezekiel's wheel is often cited. The miracle of Fatima displayed several UFO-like events. Try reading Jacques Vallee Passport to Magonia for more insights to the ancient correlates of modern UFOs. Reports of fairies, gnomes etc may be folk tales based upon experiences of UFO occupants by our forebears. Vallee is extraordinarily well read, a polymath. All his books are informative. UFOs area highly complex phenomenon, their characteristics have changed in the past 100 years as Vallee highlights. Vallee posits that one of their functions is to influence human society through promoting religions......



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Here is the report of a UFO initiating launch sequence on several Soviet nuclear ICBMs:


The NICAP website has a wealth of information. Robert Hastings article on UFOs interfering with US nukes summarises his 30 years of investigation

The home page is: http://www.nicap.org/

The things could wipe out humans in a trice, with our own nukes, should they decide to. That alone is justification for science to take them seriously.

Enjoy ! ...............??


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Exactly, Peter.    Ufology has  proposed no theory to explain the things that it has observed, except "alien technology".    Instead, the subject relies on a religion like belief, uncritical as any  god follower.

This is not science, this is a belief system, as much as is any religion.  And like the religious, when challenged, believers just proclaim their belief and offer only more miracles and visitations.  They are not proof. 

 As you know, in science there is no proof, merely theories that withstand testing better and better.   Yet the "science" of Ufology hasn't got as far as a theory to test.   This is not science, it is belief.


Edited by john.r.davies
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4 hours ago, john.r.davies said:

Exactly, Peter.    Ufology has  proposed no theory to explain the things that it has observed, except "alien technology".    Instead, the subject relies on a religion like belief, uncritical as any  god follower.

This is not science, this is a belief system, as much as is any religion.  And like the religious, when challenged, believers just proclaim their belief and offer only more miracles and visitations.  They are not proof. 

 As you know, in science there is no proof, merely theories that withstand testing better and better.   Yet the "science" of Ufology hasn't got as far as a theory to test.   This is not science, it is belief.


John, If you were a science researcher- as opposed to a consumer of science - you would not express such an opinion.  UFO researchers are not short of hypotheses, and the alien/ET ideas are not universally  accepted.  UFO phenomena are the start of doing research - observations run into the millions. No one is claiming proof. But you seem to expect proof in order to define UFO research as science. No research scientist would claim any of science is rock solid definitive proof, it is all a movable feast. Science textbooks are not a definitive statement of proof or truth, they are compendia of the state of the art at the time of publication. 

Were you to read a mere fraction of the UFO literature you could not fail to see that highly strange phenomena are rather common. Those observations are the starting material for research. I have my own hypotheses that I hope will eventually be tested. My only belief is that there is without doubt fundamentally new science awaiting discovery by probing the UFO phenomena.

I would have shared your dismissal of all things UFO eight years ago, but having assimilated a great deal of the classic literature it is now obvious to me that I had been wrong. I have missed out upon the most exciting unknown in the world around us:  another intelligence with technology beyond comprehension. That''s exciting ! Research is all about probing the unknown, and never before has science probed another technologically advanced intelligence.


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Jaques Vallee has actively studied UFOs since 1956 when he and two others saw a saucer. With a background in astronomy and computers, and long an associate of Prof Hynek (Blue book advisor) he addresses the ufo problem from fundamentals. In this 2011 Ted talk he questions the nature of time and dimensions, using examples of synchroncities ( coincidences) and precognition. My interest is in time anomalies in ufo events, and other high strangeness scenarios. And now I have another book to read...Guillemant's.


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Several interesting reports of time anomalies associated with UFOs, and vehicle failures:


-engines spontaneosly restart.

It's all very odd !



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@ Charlie,

Tim Swartz talks about "time slips" .  The UFO literature contains some examples, but these strange events may be more general in occurrence. Swartz seems to be a prolific author,so he may have written about time-slips in some depth. Its a new field  to me. The events witnessed by two or more individuals are important, argues against conventional explanations eg hallucination, lucid  dreaming.  Peter



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New Scientist ( 24 Sept, pp 41-43) carries an article by Brian Cox and colleague: "Space and Time emerge from something deeper". 

A few years ago I gave a U3A talk that followed the same science: https://supertrarged.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/einstein-101-pdf-v4-no-notes-with-refs.pdf

The theory that space and time are not fundamental but a "projection" of information from a (unidentified) surface opens up the possibility that many high strangeness phenomena (UFOs,precognition etc) involve information that is likewise projected from an unknown surface, giving the appearannce of transgressing our familiar space and time. UFOs move too fast to be in our familiar time and maybe space; there are huge time anomalies in the UFO iterature and elsehwere (eg the Bold Street "time slips", above), and psychical phenomena especially precognition. 

The challenge is to bring high strangeness phenomena into the observational evidence that physicists working on their Holographic Principle recognise.


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With the new interest by USA Congress in UAP/UFO phenomena many old reports are surfacing. Here is a British Airways Vanguard captain describing a daylight disc seen in 1967 and detected by Preston radar. He reported 25 years later: seeing a UFO was unlikely to promote a career, so highly credible witnesses kept their silence.



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This is a famous early report by airline pilots:


Such reports dried up afew years later as pilots were threatened with the sack (or worse) if they reported UFOs to the press.

The square "windows" have been reported in other sightings. The astronomer who discovered Pluto, Tombaugh, and his wife saw one with a rwo of four square bright "windows".   Square is strange. If we recall the early Comet disasters  square is bad.


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"Time slips" are rare but fascinating high strangeness events. ( Ignored by science !)  Most involve a brief experience of surroundings changing to a earlier ( soemtimes future) year. Some events involve two or more experiencers. This radio interview describes several:


Kersey , Suffolk, 1957 was a time slip back to medieval times experienced by three RN cadets: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/when-three-british-boys-traveled-to-medieval-england-or-did-they-35698485/

I have  yet to find a good book but Fowler's looks promising: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Time-Slip-ConneXions-Are-Holograms/dp/B09YMWSLNX/ref=sr_1_2?crid=E8EAOMSXQZEF&keywords=raymond+e+fowler&qid=1665416744&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjAwIiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=raymond+e+fowler+%2Caps%2C349&sr=8-2

He apparently invokes the Holographic Principle from theoretical physics to try to explain time slips. This I really do like - see Sept 24 for explanatory talk on the Holog Princ. The theory is very important as it relates quantum mechanics to gravity for the first time. Maybe that putative holographic surface holds the information required for a time-slip, or out-of-body or precognition events... 

It is just conceivable that high strangeness time anomalies might offer support to the HP, if only scientists at large would embrace high strangness. Bold Street in Liverpool had three time slip events, all  within a few minutes walk of two university campuses.....but it was local newspaper and radio that followed the stories and recorded them. It never raised a stir in "my" university. Peter


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As nuclear war is once again a real threat, the involvement of UFOs in interfering with nuclear missiles is pertinent. I can recommend Hastings' book, but here's a taste( begin at 6 mins). 


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Robert Hastings has an excellent website. This article describes a UFO initiating the launch sequence of Soviet nuclear ICBMs at a site in Ukraine:


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Available now "Moment of Contact" the documentary on the Varginha alien, director James Fox who also directed The Phenomenon that started this thread. I dont have subscriptions to any of those channels so cannot comment on its content. https://geni.us/MomentOfContact


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A time-slip event from France. It  was investigated by prominent UK UFO researcher Janny Randles, who would have recognised hoaxers.


Highly strange !


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Australian UFOs, the ten best since 1927. Interview in 2022 with Bill Chalker, a UFO researcher for  50 years. Father William Gill, Burke's Flat bent headlights beams,and others.


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Here's a time slip where envelopes were bought, taken home and decayed rapidly. see Great Yarmouth, Mr Squirrel, about one third down the article


It is a single instance of material form the past being removed, but if more examples are out there in the (chaotic) literature, thats important !



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Just got half way through reading about “The Rougham mystery”. Not the link you provided, but this :

https://archive.org/stream/THEROUGHAMMYSTERY/THE ROUGHAM MYSTERY_djvu.txt

Very strange, but I can’t see how so many people could be making it all up.

(For anyone who does not know it's about houses that appear and then vanish in a Suffolk village.)

I have a friend who used to live about a mile away for 20 years. He is 100% skeptical about such things. I’ll call him in the next few days to see if he has ever heard about it.


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1 hour ago, Charlie D said:


Just got half way through reading about “The Rougham mystery”. Not the link you provided, but this :

https://archive.org/stream/THEROUGHAMMYSTERY/THE ROUGHAM MYSTERY_djvu.txt

Very strange, but I can’t see how so many people could be making it all up.

(For anyone who does not know it's about houses that appear and then vanish in a Suffolk village.)

I have a friend who used to live about a mile away for 20 years. He is 100% skeptical about such things. I’ll call him in the next few days to see if he has ever heard about it.


Charlie, The link I  cited also outlines several classic time slips: Versailles, Kersey and Liverpool (3). The french hotel I cited  earlier. All with multiple experiencers, none of whom sought to publicise their stories, which argues against hoaxing. They sought explanations, but today's science offers none. Peter

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1 hour ago, Charlie D said:


Just got half way through reading about “The Rougham mystery”. Not the link you provided, but this :

https://archive.org/stream/THEROUGHAMMYSTERY/THE ROUGHAM MYSTERY_djvu.txt

Very strange, but I can’t see how so many people could be making it all up.

(For anyone who does not know it's about houses that appear and then vanish in a Suffolk village.)

I have a friend who used to live about a mile away for 20 years. He is 100% skeptical about such things. I’ll call him in the next few days to see if he has ever heard about it.


Its the same  text as I cited. The author Carl Grove has a psychology PhD, and his other posts he describes himself as "sensitive" to the paranormal, which explains his lifelong curiosity. He mentions a database of 500 pages.  Peter

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