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This thread has tried to draw parallels between ufos and other high strangness psi phenomena. In this recent interview Leslie Kean makes just that point at 45 min. Podcasts are not anyhwere near as detailed in content as books,but as an incentive to read both her books this is well worth the 2hrs it takes to watch. The host Ben Sinclair lists useful links for further watching and reading below the video.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Neither little green men nor gray ETs fit this sighting by two retired 'educators':


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Season's Greetings to the ca 100 followers of this thread.

Blaze TV broadcast this 2018 documentary this afternoon. It might help explain why journalists over several decades were unable to clarify the UFO phenomenon and so sat on the fence or were dismissive. The video should soon be available free on-line. The current situation is far from certain, although few following this thread can doubt something very strange has been going on unheeded for decades. https://www.blaze.tv/series/aliens-pentagon


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Continuing in the same vein, this article is by Chris Mellon a senior ex-administrator in US intelligence ( https://www.christophermellon.net/  ) who played a key role in getting Congress to demand the Pentagon now deliver annual UAP reports He castigates the academic science/engineering communties for ignoring or dismissing the phenomena. A  fewyears back I'd have said he was off his rocker, but not now I have read some of the evidence.


I am not convinced the phenomena are ET, but something extraordinarily strange that is inexplicable by current science is undoubtedly going on.....My guess in Fermi's missing visitors are from our future or another present, or something human in origin but weirder still The time anomalies outlines in earlier posts suggest that 'past', 'present' and 'future' are nowhere near as simple as we commonly think. Maybe that is a source of weirdness?




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  • 2 weeks later...

An author summarises six  cases of close encounters with humanoids in NY state. No answers, lots of questions. Are they really ET as he assumes, or coming from our future? or something even stranger, maybe from another dimension?


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Miniseries from 1992, based on Budd Hopkins pioneering work with abductees. I havent watched it yet so cant vouch for accuracy. BH was first to recognise abductee reports  of being floated through doors or windows- when CLOSED. Also walls. Still unexplained of course, except by sceptics who always have answers! 


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This is a list of supposed UFO sightings for UK in 1999, as collated by a government agency. Most have mundane explanations but a few have ufo-like appearance ( and may be hoaxes) It shows the effort that ufo researchers have to devote to assessing a sighitng as genuine unexplained.



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Here's something that is close to the experience of most TRers. Your TR comes to a halt on a dark night on a lonely road. Mostly it will prove to be the coil points, or whatever. However if you are unlucky is might be a more exotic cause. In 1981 CUFOS - a USA UFO research organisation- published a report on Vehicle Interference:  http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO_REPORTS_INVOLVING_VEHICLE_INTERFERENCE.pdf

So what do you think might be the explanation?


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Occasionally scientists are to wedded to their theories to accept they are incorrect.

However the basic premise of science is to observe, formulate a hypothesis to explain the observation and then test it. If the test is in the negative or cannot be repeated, then so be it. Refine or modify your hypothesis until testing gives predictable results consistent with your hypothesis or formulate a new one. That may not be how politicians see things or big business with profits to consider

The other thing to remember is that the pleural of anecdote is not fact. Otherwise we could blame all strange and unexplained phenomena on the sun rising in the East.

How we sense things and our surroundings is evolving and still poorly understood. What we see is our brain's interpretation of what our eyes signal to it. Do we all see the same thing? Do we all hear the same sounds. Yes and no - we may here the same thing but do we interpret it the same. Some of our fish ancestors sense electromagnetic fields given off by prey or predators. Do we do that but without conscious knowledge?

But why accept hypothesis that cannot be tested and assume extra-terrestrial origin when there are an almost an infinite number of things of terrestrial origin we don't understand or are aware of.

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Many students of UFOs have jumped on the ET bandwagon as if it is established fact. I doubt they are ET but do not know what/who they are.

I hope this thread is revealing that strange phenomena are not limited to UFOs. But most scientists deny there is anything scientifically interesting in high strangeness events. No problem there,  they have eliminated themselves from the exploration. As have sceptics.   Before dismissing paranormal research as the province of cranks we should look at Alfred Wegener who over decades accumulated field observations ( geology, wildlife,fossils) that pointed to continental drift. He was derided. "Impossible" was the consensus. In the mid-60s he was proved right, by chance.  This thread is full of "impossible" reports. Clues to things we do not understand with present science.

First a scientist has to accumulate observations. That's what we are doing here. Obviosuly we cannot explain them. I am formulating a hypothesis and seeking tests for that hypothesis. At present I think that anomalies in 'time' might underlie many paranomal events. Its the way I do science. Whe I see parallel phenomena in ufo, yogis, poltergiests and physical mediums ( eg levitation) I look for a putative common mechanism that might modify gravitation and then for opportinities to test the hypothesis. Without those observations we would not know what to try to measure. My guess is that 'time anomalies' are involved.

Peculiar observations such as 'time slips' might or might not be attributed to mental glitches. We simply do not know. However the evidence in favour of reincarnation is sound science. Dr Ian Stevenson devoted 40 years studying thousnads of cases. It is 'impossible' by current science, so current science has to be changed to embrace reincarnation. Here's but one example, to refresh our memory of reincarnation:https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/wp-content/uploads/sites/360/2017/04/REI42-Tucker-James-LeiningerPIIS1550830716000331.pdf



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Here's an example from 100 years ago of an eminent scientist, a Nobel laureate, studying the paranormal. The phenomenon of materialisaiton of a hand was experienced by Leslie Kean in her recent book 'Surviving Death'. Here's the century old work: https://www.metapsychique.org/the-kluski-hands-moulds/  The materialised hands made wax casts.

The Icelandic physical medium, Indridason , also 100 years ago, could 'dematerialise' his arm for ca half-hour such that it could net be felt by a doctor or other witnesses. So we ask: where did the arm go ? Or did it go -perhaps it  was still there but not tangible?

Its  these odd events that provide clues to extending current science. In these instances: quantum superposition and  Bose-Einstein Condensates repsectively. Putatively.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Whenever canoeing at night never flash a message with a torch...........especially not to a passing UFO.



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Terry Lovelace talking recently about his 1977 abduction. His book Incident at Devils Den gives more background. At the time he was a paramedic sgt in USAF and suffered intimidation by knowledgable security police. He retired from a  career  as assistand state attorney in Samoa. Another example of a credible witness with incredible experience. 


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2 hours ago, Tony_C said:

<iframe width="400" height="500" frameborder="0" src="https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av-embeds/52455169"></iframe>

Hi Peter, sure you are aware of this on the BBC

Tks Tony. Yes it was a flir camera video released by the Pentagon a few years back. Taken by US Navy plane and called 'gimbal' (I think) there was also 'tictac' and 'go-fast'. These UAPs are the modern name for UFOs and Congress has demamded annual reports by the Pentagon.

Here's another longer infra-red video taken by a US Coast Guard plane near an airport on Puerto Rico.

There is a detailed analysis here:


The ability to submerge is known for other UFOs.


It is flying at ca 100mph ( even when it submerges) is about 2 m across and no hotter than the cows it passed.


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Uri Geller had an early abduction-like experience, but his metal-bending reputation is clouded by claims of fraud by The Amazing Randi and sceptic journalists. I have been reading John Hasted 'The metal benders' (1981). He was a physics prof at QMC, London. The book describes hundreds of metal bending expts that he and academics in France, Japan etc conducted, many on children. Two children could bend metal without touching. Metallurgists showed local regions in paranormally bent stainless steel that needed 600C to make, yet temparature probes showed no changes.

Hasted also covers paranormal events in his own home eg a small figurine 'materialising 'in front of him and falling to the floor. It had come from an adjacent room. He did some work on the Enfield poltergeist, but that is described in great detail by Guy Lyon Playfair in 'This house is haunted'(1980. in 2011 White Crow republished). He describes the mother watching her daughter, the focus of activity, rising up from her bed to near the ceiling without moving her limbs, and passing through the bed covers. That reminds me of abductees being floated to a ufo , often through a closed window or door. Matter-though-matter is known to happen in expts at ultra-cold temperatures ( below 1K, or -272C) ( google Bose-Einstein Condensates). So how could it happen to a human ???????????????

Hasted was convinced new physics is needed to explain many paranormal phenomena. Me too.


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Undated programme with late Prof John Mack and late Budd Hopkins, both pioneers of abdcution  research.

Harvard tried to sack Mack, a clinical psychitrist because of this research. But a Rockefeller treatened to pull all funding from Harvard...............money talks!


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Two car-sized cylinders described as high altitude objects have been shot down over N America and another over China. The ufo world is abuz with rumour, as always. But is there human technology in play? Vacuum-filled balloons have been mooted. This paper describes the structural requirements:


An ultralight rigid foam, silica aerogel, might also be useful if it can be formed in vacuo, kept in vacuo, and launched at high altitude.

The question is: are these ( now four as I write) objects moving with the wind, or can they go against it?? If thay are powered to 'fly' upwind then human technology seems less probable. And the UFO/UAP topic will take centre-stage.


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I have often thought that if you could connect a hot air/hydrogen balloon to the roof of a car you would be able to decrease the weight of the car somewhat and thus get better MPG/acceleration etc.

I wonder if there are any regulations to stop this being done to an F1 car, and if not what advantage they may gain.


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25 minutes ago, Charlie D said:

I have often thought that if you could connect a hot air/hydrogen balloon to the roof of a car you would be able to decrease the weight of the car somewhat and thus get better MPG/acceleration etc.

I wonder if there are any regulations to stop this being done to an F1 car, and if not what advantage they may gain.


I think surface area drag could be an issue. 
it was tried with coal gas


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Those were filled with "coal gas", given off to produce coke (small 'c') .  Coal gas is a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane, with a density of 0.58kg/m^3.  That's a little less than half the density of air, but would have had much less 'lifting power' than hydrogen alone when that has a density of 0.09kg/m^3.

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