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8 hours ago, Andy Moltu said:

Interpret with caution.

Absence of measured neuronal function on an EEG may also reflect a poor connection, defective equipment or the sensitivity set too high. Not absolute brain death.

Believing you saw something happen is not the same as seeing it happen.  You may find your teeth in a draw, you may have heard a nurse say they will put them in there, you may have seen her remove them from your mouth or felt it happen.  A drug loaded, hypoxic brain affected by electrolye imbalance may lead to one interpreting those actions as if you saw them from above.  Did you see them? Did your subconscious, impaired brain put things together and give that interpretation?

I have dreamed I was flying, and that dream seemed real but deep finding myself in bed tells me it was a dream. Near death experiences are not dreams as such and usually are part of a longer spell of sickness the individuals may well not have the reference points that tell them they were dreams or confabulations to explain gaps in their understanding or erroneus interpretations.

Sometimes we have experiences we do not truly understand but our minds try and make the events fit our understanding in ways that seem reasonable and believable.  Reasonable and believable is not always factually correct. 

Do I believe aliens exist? Stats suggest this is highly likely. Do I belive the claims made by many they have seen aliens or alien spacecraft?  Not likely - most are objects of rather more earthly origin or the simply, as yet unexplained but UFO does not stand for alien (as in not of this world) It could be there is life capable of spac travel from nearby but the odds suggest that is more distant and our current understanding of physics would suggest that the sort of travel times or speeds make contact a bit more tricky.  If you are so advanced you can travel faster than light, why do you end up crashing on earth and then abduct and copulate with the local life.


Andy, I would have shared your analyses six years ago But not now, after reading myself into the literature. NDEs have uncovered instances where information that was not known to the experiencer prior ot the event, was recalled upon recovery. The neurosurgeon Eben Alexander in his book (Proof of Heaven) had a NDE in a 6-day coma and described wondrous scenes as moe real than real, but all could have been generated within his stressed brain rathet thna in heaven HOWEVER he was accompanied by a beautiful young woman during his NDE who he did not recognise, despite seeing other family members. Weeks after recovering he was given a photo of his sister by birth, who he did not know existed at the time of the NDE. He recognised the woman from the NDE!!  That means he gained new information, that would notbe true if dreaming or hallucinating or such-like.

The assumption that UFOs are extraterrestrial is not supported by the evidence. They are undoubtedly real, they leave physical traces. But ET is pure speculation based upon highly spurious claims made by contactees, beginning with Adamski. ( beatifull, tall Venusians etc). Arguments about worm holes and galactic scale travel are irrelevant when UFOs may originate in another dimension of space or maybe space-time. There are examples of time-flow anomalies that are inexplicable by relativity, and thsoe shouls alert scientists to the "THAT'S ODD" phenomena. But science has been blinded by jokey journalism and scientists have not taken on the jib of veifying what they read in the papers.

The single best author to  read on the UFO topic who questions the ET hypothesis is Jaques Vallee, a PhD astronomer turned IT specialist in the '70s , working in the institute  that invented the computer mouse. He has 7 decades of UFO expertise and is extremey well read. "Passport to Magonia" is a good book to start with.

When it comes to UFOs,abuctees, psi ( telepathy,  physical medium) and crop circles I find hints of time-flow anomalies that are amenable to simple study. Following up obsevations of "That's odd" is the feedstock of scientific revolutions, No Faraday the obsever: no Einstein. No Wegener: no Continental Drift. My challenge now is to meet with  abductees experiencing rapid wound-healing. The crop circle work is in hand, we just need luck to get to a fresh one. Either could uncover anamolous time-flow................with luck.




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The first post in this thread reported the Zimbabwe school  UFO landing. Here's the local UFO researcher reviewing their drawings in 1974.  Were dozens of pupils all deluded, hallucinating or hoaxing?


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2 hours ago, Peter Cobbold said:

The first post in this thread reported the Zimbabwe school  UFO landing. Here's the local UFO researcher reviewing their drawings in 1974.  Were dozens of pupils all deluded, hallucinating or hoaxing?


Towards the end she likens the Ariel pupils' experience to a 1977 event at Broadhaven, Pembs. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-west-wales-38723643

At that time many peculiar  events focused on nearby Rolleston farm and the Coombes family were reported. Including a herd of cows moved from a locked barn to appear in a shed 1 mile away, possibly before they had gone  And the hotel owner saw in daylight a silver flying saucer enter a "door" in the cliff face of an island opposite the farm. A local vet recorded the story and published.

Despite the really ODD time and space anomalies, none of these observations is part of science's horizon scanning - most scientists who get involved in UFO research have seen one themselves.

It is possible that Dark Matter reflects anomalous time flow on a galactic scale Physics proposes it as a hypothesis to create extra gravitation that would allow stars in the outer limbs of galaxies to move a 5-fold  faster than relativity allow. Many 100 millons have been spent on experiements to detect it: all have failed to date. So when the opportunity arises to  alert scientists to time-flow anomalies, I take it: see my comments here: https://theconversation.com/dark-matter-should-we-be-so-sure-it-exists-heres-how-philosophy-can-help-184109




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The Skinwalker ranch in NE Utah has a long history of paranormal activity and was subject to investigation by PhD scientists. Poltergeist activity followed them thousands of miles from the ranch: the "hitchhiker effect".


Dr Kelleher posits the phenomenon might reflect the researchers' -and their families'- conciousness gaining access to information external to the brain. The rare examples of that happening in OBE/NDE is intriguing. UFOs seem to be able to influence human behaviour in abductees, so our poor understanding of consciousness may obscure understanding of UFOs. However UFOs can be undoubtedly solid objects that leave physical traces so they cannot be solely a product of external information accessing the brain.


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Tony Dodd was a Yorkshire police sgt and detective who had a series of encounters with UFOs.


His book is a good introduction to various UFO phenomena, including his conviction that his telepathic communication with UFOs  was spiritually uplifting, as also reported by Prof Mack in his interviews with abductees.


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Dr Jacques Vallee and Prof Kevin Knuth in conversation last year,mainly about the 1945 UFO  crash near the Trinity A-bomb explosion site. It has similaritiies with later UFO landings at Soccoro and Valensole, including small  humanoids. Knuth gets animated at 1hr12min when he  asks why are scientists shunning what should be an exciting venture, Exactly my sentiment. Vallee has been researching UFOs since he saw a saucer as a teenager in 1950s, all his books on UFOs are worth reading,  Peter


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In the previous post Vallee likens the crashed object and humanoids to the Valensole landing. In this article Aimee Michel a philosopher friend of Vallee and UFO researcher visits the Valensole site and talks with Maurice Masse the lavender farmer who experienced the event (pdf to download):  http://www.aime-michel.fr/a-visit-to-valensole/

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Brazil 1986, very high speed aerial encounters: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/18947134/night-of-the-ufos-fighter-jets-chased-mystery-craft/

Very high speed UFOs date back at least to Nash and Fortenberry 1952: https://www.project1947.com/shg/articles/tulien_nashfort.htm

After 70 years we are still at the head-scratching phase of incomprehension.



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I know that a lot of people claim that there is always a rational explanation to things that seem to be impossible but here is a story about an incident that happened to my first wife and myself over 30 years ago in a small French town called Loudun.
What happened seems impossible.

But it is 100% true.

We had been touring the area and found a small hotel (The golden wheel – I think) and decided to stay there for the night. We had dinner, and a bottle of wine between us (but in no way were our senses impaired) and decided to go for a walk around the town to look at an ancient tower (Tour Carree) we had noticed on the drive in.
Like most small French towns at dusk, the place was fairly deserted and we had a quiet walk up to a gravel square where the tower was situated.
We looked at it for about ten minutes and then decided to walk back to the hotel as it was just beginning to get dark.

In the middle of the square we were suddenly stopped in our tracks by “A sound”. We were literally stopped.
We could not move forwards through what appeared to be a solid wall made up of this sound (Please… no jokes about Phil Spector…..)
My wife was a couple of yards from me and we both seemed to be rooted to the spot where we stood. The sound, to me, was like a cacophony of small bells and flutes that rose up from the ground, and stopped in front of my face. I could not move through it. I could turn sideways, in a pivotal sort of way, but every time I did that, the sound would swirl around so as to be right in front of me again. It was almost like a swarm of bees. The sound would rise and fall in height in a totally random manner. My wife said, “What the hell is happening? I can’t move.”  We were too confused to chat in detail; all we wanted to do was escape.

I eventually managed to “fool” the sound, by spinning 180,degrees and then quickly spinning back before the sound had a chance to catch up with my movements. (Yes… Sounds crazy, but this is what happened.) I grabbed my wife’s arm and managed to pull her sideways out of whatever the force was keeping her there and we ran to the alleyway that led out of the square. We stood and looked in the direction where we had been and could see nothing but could still hear the sound, moving around, but not coming closer to us. Soon after that the sound seemed to disappear back into the ground again, and all fell silent.

We walked back towards the hotel, neither of us speaking, just trying to figure out in our heads what had happened. Eventually we stopped on a bench and talked about what we had gone through. We related exactly the same feeling except that my wife said that the sound she heard was that of women and children screaming. I know for certain that was not the sound I heard, but the effect it had on us was the same.

We got to the hotel and left the next day.
I’ve been back to the site four times now and had a good look around and there is nothing at all that I have ever found that could have produced the sound.

While walking around on one of my visits in the daylight I discovered that at the other end of the square was an ally with ancient faded words scratched into the wall that named the place “Crossroads of the Sorcerers”. I also discovered that the town was the setting for the storey “The Devils” Which I believe, was a genuine historic event.
Are those two things coincidences? I don’t know.

I don’t have a clue what could have caused the sounds, and, mentioning it to people over the years, no one has yet to come up with an answer.
All I know was that it was the strangest experience that has ever happened to me.

I realize that this was not an unidentified flying object.
But it was an unidentified flying sound.



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5 hours ago, Charlie D said:


I know that a lot of people claim that there is always a rational explanation to things that seem to be impossible but here is a story about an incident that happened to my first wife and myself over 30 years ago in a small French town called Loudun.
What happened seems impossible.

But it is 100% true.

We had been touring the area and found a small hotel (The golden wheel – I think) and decided to stay there for the night. We had dinner, and a bottle of wine between us (but in no way were our senses impaired) and decided to go for a walk around the town to look at an ancient tower (Tour Carree) we had noticed on the drive in.
Like most small French towns at dusk, the place was fairly deserted and we had a quiet walk up to a gravel square where the tower was situated.
We looked at it for about ten minutes and then decided to walk back to the hotel as it was just beginning to get dark.

In the middle of the square we were suddenly stopped in our tracks by “A sound”. We were literally stopped.
We could not move forwards through what appeared to be a solid wall made up of this sound (Please… no jokes about Phil Spector…..)
My wife was a couple of yards from me and we both seemed to be rooted to the spot where we stood. The sound, to me, was like a cacophony of small bells and flutes that rose up from the ground, and stopped in front of my face. I could not move through it. I could turn sideways, in a pivotal sort of way, but every time I did that, the sound would swirl around so as to be right in front of me again. It was almost like a swarm of bees. The sound would rise and fall in height in a totally random manner. My wife said, “What the hell is happening? I can’t move.”  We were too confused to chat in detail; all we wanted to do was escape.

I eventually managed to “fool” the sound, by spinning 180,degrees and then quickly spinning back before the sound had a chance to catch up with my movements. (Yes… Sounds crazy, but this is what happened.) I grabbed my wife’s arm and managed to pull her sideways out of whatever the force was keeping her there and we ran to the alleyway that led out of the square. We stood and looked in the direction where we had been and could see nothing but could still hear the sound, moving around, but not coming closer to us. Soon after that the sound seemed to disappear back into the ground again, and all fell silent.

We walked back towards the hotel, neither of us speaking, just trying to figure out in our heads what had happened. Eventually we stopped on a bench and talked about what we had gone through. We related exactly the same feeling except that my wife said that the sound she heard was that of women and children screaming. I know for certain that was not the sound I heard, but the effect it had on us was the same.

We got to the hotel and left the next day.
I’ve been back to the site four times now and had a good look around and there is nothing at all that I have ever found that could have produced the sound.

While walking around on one of my visits in the daylight I discovered that at the other end of the square was an ally with ancient faded words scratched into the wall that named the place “Crossroads of the Sorcerers”. I also discovered that the town was the setting for the storey “The Devils” Which I believe, was a genuine historic event.
Are those two things coincidences? I don’t know.

I don’t have a clue what could have caused the sounds, and, mentioning it to people over the years, no one has yet to come up with an answer.
All I know was that it was the strangest experience that has ever happened to me.

I realize that this was not an unidentified flying object.
But it was an unidentified flying sound.



Charlie,  Thanks for posting. Something highly strange happened, so strange you have been wondering about it for 30 years. Two witnesses to the same event, despite the differing auditory stimuli, make your experience the more convincing. I have read about fairy music and dancing arouns fairy rings in  Jacques Vallee's "Passport to Magonia" - he sees parallels in the fsiry folk, goblins, incubi etc of folk lore to modern UFO occupants. Charles Fort recorded hundreds of such events - a compendium of his wrok is available on Amazon. Page 93 gives a Welsh example:https://www.gutenberg.org/files/20096/20096-h/20096-h.htm#page90 

Your description of a solid wall you could not move through fits a with a daylight UFO landing in USA: two lads met up with  an invisible wall thay could not penetrate, and watched a rabbit run into it and bounce off several times.

Loudon region may have a UFO group that you could approach ? or a Facebook group? If you like I can cut and paste your text  for the NWales UFO group, who might come up with a website or book specialsing in high  strangeness auditory phenomena. (But you might be  traceable and not want that). Telepathic communication of spoken words is extremely common amongst abductees, they hear within the head. But you heard sounds external to your head apparently, that could be located. Yet you wife heard completely diffferent sounds. That suggests to me telepathy but different from   the UFO pattern. In short, it is quite likely that others have had similar experiences, the problem is finding their reports.



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18 minutes ago, Peter Cobbold said:

Charlie,  Soc Psychical Res may be useful: https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/


their archivist has a PhD in paramusicology, emailing him could be your quickest way into the literature:https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/users/melvyn-willin

he will know their french counterparts.


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Thanks for the links. Fascinating stuff.
It’s nice to read that Mr Willin takes very little at face value and constantly seems to want full proof that something actually happened, and it’s not just hearsay.
I shall mail him with my story and see if he can come up with any connection.
Please feel free to pass the story onto anyone who you may think will be interested.


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9 hours ago, Charlie D said:


Thanks for the links. Fascinating stuff.
It’s nice to read that Mr Willin takes very little at face value and constantly seems to want full proof that something actually happened, and it’s not just hearsay.
I shall mail him with my story and see if he can come up with any connection.

Charlie, You and your wife experienced the event, that is valuable first-hand evidence. Dr Willin may be most useful in linking you to French researchers. Bearing in mind Loudon's history you might not be the first. My contacts are mostly UFO-focused so may not be too useful.



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A few years back my wife was standing outside our summer house when a single "soap bubble" floated past her. It was the size of a tennis ball. Now, we live down a little used track, nearest neighbours 1/4 mile away. She looked over the hedge between summer house and track but no-one was seen or heard. It is easy to dismiss such a mundane event as 'a fluke', and that was my response to her. But I failed to explain where this single,isolated "soap bubble" arose, and why before or since we have not seen others. Maybe it was one of these, described in Denmark  decades ago:  https://hiddenmark.dk/ufos/soap-bubble-ufos/ 

Maybe strange, isolated "soap bubbles" are common, but not reported. Who would we report to ? Anyone had a similar experience?


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Although around half of the USA population say they "believe in UFOs" I suspect the figure for the UK is much lower. However UFO landings with occupnats have happened in UK, here's one at LLanerchymedd on Anglesey, originally reported in Flying Saucer Review:



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Mishlove's prize-winning essay - with youtube conversations as figures !- is an amazing summary of the evidence of survival of human conciousness after permanent bodily death. https://www.bigelowinstitute.org/contest_winners3.php 

On p82 of the pdf he comments, at the end of the section on physical mediums: "These results challenge our most basic notions of time, space, and consciousness."  Indeed. In Mishlove's title "Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death" the word "after" may be the least understood.


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from page 41 of Mishlove's essay:


It is well worth persevering with the article: something very strange -well beyond explanation by materialist science - is happening.


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Am still reading the Bigelow essays, https://www.bigelowinstitute.org/contest_winners3.php

Try Elizabeth Krohn's article. She had an OBE/NDE after being struck by lightning, and subsequently had precognition abilities, such as foretelling two airliner crashes, and experiencing the third in real-time along with two passsengers who died.

Einstein-Minkowski physics posits the block universe in which all times (past/now/future) all exist as a space-time continuum. Few of us can access future times, but precognition is well known to psy researchers.  Science should be asking how is that possible, not sweeping the observations of precognition under the carpet.


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Anyone experienced a precognitive nightmare ? Prof Jeff Kripal worked with a woman in Houston who survived a lghtning strike and developed precognition of airliner crashes: start at  32 min



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Another of his talks. You have all heard of the PCR test, so dont miss the glowing, talking raccoon. His book "The Flip" is recommended reading. 


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My interest in  "time", especially time anomalies, extends to studies of children who recall lives of a deceased person. There are over 2000 well reserched examples studied by profs of psychiatry since the 1960s. Jim B Tucker MD currently studies the topic and his book "Return to Life" has a chapter on a lad born in 1998 in USA who recalled in considerable detail a fighter pilot who died in his fighter aircraft in WW2 at Iwo Jima. Here is an interview with Prof Tucker , the lad's reincarnation story starts at 26 mins.


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