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Abductees often describe 'being floated' into a UFO.  Human levitation is also known in the absence of UFOs. Yale prof Carlos Eire has recently published a book "They Flew" about dozens of catholic clerics who levitated. Here he is being interviewed by parapsychologist Jeffery Mishlove. ( I am the scientist form Wales he mentions). 


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In 2022 Rice University in USA celebrated the inauguration of its "Archives of the Impossible" with a conference. There  are several plenary lectures on Youtube, including Jacques Vallee  and Edwin C May (on remote viewing).  The most fascinating is by Leslie Keane on physical mediums. She describes 'matter-through-matter ('impossible' according to Pauli's exclusion principle) and a hand materialisng, whcih she held in her's. And what do most scientists do about these phenomena? This: ............!!


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I refer the Honourable Member to the works of The Great Randi, the stage magician who offered $1 million to any one who could show true psychic phenomena. And, of course, Houdini, who did the same.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Randi

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52 minutes ago, john.r.davies said:

I refer the Honourable Member to the works of The Great Randi, the stage magician who offered $1 million to any one who could show true psychic phenomena. And, of course, Houdini, who did the same.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Randi

JOhn,  Science has moved on since their days, although not as fast as it should. Leslie Keane's books are excellent over-views. I would not waste my time informing myself if I thought the psy phenomena were fictional. https://www.lesliekean.com/   But beware, ontological shock beckons. I have got over that, changed my mindset which was not easy after 5 decades' of doing next-step, lab-based science. There is a saying in research that  'first is first and second is nowhere' - and I dont intend to be trailing the paranormal field !!  Peter

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Dr Colm Kelleher outlines coincidence of UFO and paranormal activities, at Skinwalker and elsewhere.


He was a manager of a $22m investigation funded by US government. A database with 200,000 UFO reports was constructed. 

I do wonder if any secret research is being conducted by HMG ?



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In this talk, again we see UFO experiencers reporting parapsychological experiences. I do not care for his explanation ( a universal conciousness). Rather, I am working on a hypothesis that there is a second time domain in which all matter exists. These psy events occur when experiencers access their second domain. UFOs are physical craft originating in that second time domain. The challenge is to devise tests of the hypothesis !


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And another.  An NDE induced in a pilot who 'passed out' in a centrifuge. This is a typical NDE or OBE, where the individual retains their senses but is outside their body. The simplest explanation is that matter ( and hence our bodies) exist in two time dimensions but the same 3D space. In an NDE.OBE the second dimension becomes accessible. Trauma seems to be needed ( lightning, brain sepsis, extreme childhood deprivation often feature).


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The Varginha alien in hospital. For me the blood and bone description makes it 'not alien enough' to be ET.  Tha very rapid bone healing recalls very rapid healing of skin wounds in abductees. There are also a coupe of talks with Prof Mack of Harvard interviewing two girls witnesses ( I have yet to watch these). Snippets of evidence such as this point me to hypothesising that UFOnauts may manipulate 'time' and that they exist in another dimension of time, maybe a dimension we share but are not normally aware of. Perhaps we have evolved in parallel. But for me thhe idea they  a re intergalactic travellers does not hold up.



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I am  re-reading Budd Hopkins' 1981 book "Missing Time" describing abductees' accounts. This 1987 news conference includes him giving brief descriptions of the pattern and of the 'grays':



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The Sol Foundation is a new group of scientists, most from USA ( none from UK) setting out to tackle the UFO/UAP problem. Here Prof Kevin Knuth describes the problems as a physicist. UFOs move at speeds of up to 9000 to 250000 mph, apparently in air. Note also the section on vehicle engines being stalled by UFOs. 


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My first degree was in zoology in mid-60s. Until recently i dismissed reports of bigfoot/sasquatch/ yeti as pure fiction. However I am changing my attitude after reading "Silent Invasion" by Stan Gordon describing ca 140 sightings in SW Pennslyllvania in 73-74.   in those reports are paranormal events including; the 'Oz effect' (silenced ambient sounds), vanishing, abrupt ending footprint trails, immunity to being  shot ( and vanishing in a flash of light), partial materialisation.  The descriptions were remarkably consistent: ca 8-10  feet tall, very borad shouders, heavily muscled, very long arms. bipedal, covered in long dark hair, prominent eyebrow, gorilla-type nose, possibly fangs, large round eyes that shone red or yellow. Footprints ca 13 inch long 5 wide, often 3-toed.   So.................where do they come from, where did they evolve?  The skinwalker giant wolf shrugged off being shot several times and its spoor trail suddenly stopped. Curioser and curioser........

There are a mere 30 reports of bigfoot in UK. But who would you tell if you saw one? or would you keep quiet and tell no-one , for fear of ridicule?



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Another first-hand account of abduction, of a family in 1976, recorded in ca 1995.  As abductions go there is nothing unusual in their reports. The paralysis, except for eye muscles, is commonplace. The paralysis allows experiencers to remain standing up and in balance. In this event the family were in bed, and all were paralysed. Medicine does not know how to do this with drugs, let alone remotely. The amnesia is also commonplace. Such 'missing time ( actually missing memory) is one of the signs of an abduction. Despite decades of  evidence for thousands of recorded abductions and detailed research by dedicated researchers, and a few academics such as Prof John Mack, abductions are not an accepted field of research. 


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The pervious link mentioned the Allagash abudctions when three young men were lifted with 'grays' up a beam of light form their nocturnal canoe trip. Ive read Ray Fowler's book, but for those who have not and seek fisrst-hand accounts this might be of interest (I have yet to view  it)


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UFO/UAP and parapsychological phenomena (psi) are not usually regarded as being part of the same 'impossible' intrusion into our everyday world. This thread has jumped around many strange phenomena, and I regard them as being linked, possible by a second dimension of 'time'.  I highly recommend this very recent book that brings together UAPs and psi. It is the best £7 I have spent ( and Kindle is £3).  Ignore his interpretation invoking 'dark matter' ( which is likely fictional physics) and focus on the reports of psi events, and you will get a pretty good overview of these strange events that academic science and its journalists, especially in UK, ignore.





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However, in France in late 1954 there was a huge number of  UFO sightings and encounters.http://www.nicap.org/reports/waveof1954.htm?fbclid=IwAR0gFTOpU4J03MuXscP6Or0KOaechxXc5EFgRxv-rTAaADuChBEu17VBb30

So the USA was testing its 'ufos' abroad ??



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Stanford University press release lauding the UFO research by one of their eminent professors:


Here he is being interviewed in 2022 by Ross Coultart, he Oz journalist who investigates the UFO/UAP phenomenon. Where are the UK's academics? - sleeping.   Peter


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Eckard Kruse is a prof of applied computer science in Germany. He investigates physical spiritualist mediums.

His website: https://www.eckhardkruse.net/person/index.html?en

This video records experiments with table-lifting in seances with medium Karl Mugge'

Science that probes the unknown and the 'imossible' is exciting !!


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One CE3 from the French flap of 1954. https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/1954/10sep1954mourieras.htm

Dozens of other encounters were reported that autumn across France ( click on CE3)


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Summary document about USOs by a retired US Navy rear-admiral:


To me, USOs are just another example of 'impossible' matter-through-matter behaviour. Mtm is observed in UFO aductees passing through walls or celings, physical spiritualist mediums joining rings , poltergeist apports such as stones passing through walls. Mtm is thought to be impossible according to Pauli's exclusion principle giving matter its stability. But mtm is real. As Gallaudet says the stigma associated with UFOs and the paranormal has ensured 'mainstream science' has ignored these phenomena. Physicists are missing out on a revolution. 


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Anyone following this thread will see that this Harvard astronomy prof is barking up the wrong tree. But at least he is barking, unlike 99.99% of academic scientists who assume he must be barking mad.


However the Sol Foundation have taken him under their wing so his paranormal horizons are being extended beyond ET. The late Prof John Mack the Harvard psychologist who studied UFO abductees was nealry fired by Harvard, but saved when Rockefeller threatened to remove funding of the university.  Money talks !


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Human levitation is fascinating, it is impossible in physics, and in our experience. We are certain it just cannot happen. Period.

But human levitation is real, it happens and cannot be wished away as hallucinations etc. I  strongly recommend this book by Preston Dennet for a detailed excursion through the literature with ca 350 examples, from catholic clerisc, spiritualist mediums, poltergeists, to current experiencers.


One levitator was seen to float up the the ceiling and pass through it. That happens often in UFO abductions. Something very odd is going on, that science cannot explain, and the ostrich defense takes hold of most scientists.

Enjoy !



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1 hour ago, RogerH said:

If a magician can do that imagine what God could do  :blink:



Quite a lot, he got his son to walk on water after all. 

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