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Radiator capacity.

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Having fitted my engine now, I'm almost ready to put in the radiator, It looks OK, holds water, but is it clogged up with silt and years of old eggs to stop it leaking?


you can flush it one way or the other, but how do you know what crud is still in there?


Can anyone tell me the capacity of a new rad, with hole for starter and without, for I cannot think of another way to check it.


Unless you do, if so do let on.

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Don't know the figures, I'm afraid, but I recall we used to compare the weight of a rad with a new one when judging how much crud there might be in there.


Just thought it might be easier to find out the weight of a new rad rather than the capacity?


Good luck,



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I guess flow would be a better measure of functionality than capacity?


We could time a bucket of water flowing thru...but it would be quite difficult to reproduce the 'head of water'......how about the opposite: fill a large drum with water...tape off top pipe of rad...with hand over bottom pipe, push rad down into water until only the top half inch of filler neck exposed...remove hand (from pipe, not arm) & time how long before water level stabilises inside filler neck.


We could develop this into the fenlon-lacey standard for radiator evaluation, get our own wikipedia page & global recognition........

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Take it to a radiator repair company and get them to do a flow test is the best way and they can also check it for pinholes etc.


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Great answers, weight I didn't consider, Daves lacey fenlon method I don't think would catch on, but would be fun trying.


Stuart your reply is sort of OK, if you know a reliable Rad outfit, up here every rad is absolutely buggered and needs a new core, this from the pulpit of the reverend Ripisarseoff.,


If you get my drift.

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