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Mick Forey

TR Register Members
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Everything posted by Mick Forey

  1. Another good turnout with the weather behaving beautifully. Mick
  2. Leicestershire TR Group hosting TRs from across the region. The sun is even shining. Mick
  3. On an Autostrada south of Ancona, Italy, heading for Bari and the ferry to Greece for a regularity rally with 35 classics of all sorts. In a friend's Staaaaag. Mick
  4. Not unreasonable if Duncan and I were full time employees. However, we are not. Duncan was in bed all week feeling awful whilst I was preparing for the AMM amongst many others things. I thought 6 days from discovery to fix was a good response. Duncan had two goes at fixing it as the first 'fix' only solved part of the issue. Testing revealed more work was required, more time and more testing until we were happy that it was fixed. I don't think we can promise live updates but I understand the point you are making. I will try to keep the forum updated in issue at hand. However, if John M. h
  5. I have the same issue. I accessed them a few weeks/months back. Contacting the office only adds another step in the resolution process. Let John Morrison know the issue or contact Duncan Bradley directly. I would normally do this but just closing down the PC as I am off to the NEC for 4 days. Thanks, Mick
  6. John, It is, as ever, never that simple. There were a whole raft of changes implemented to try to stop the spam attacks earlier this year. Most were not visible to users. However, the combination of two different actions inadvertently stopped non-logged in users seeing the forum. This went undetected by everyone for some time as all the regulars are logged in. It was only when, some time later, Google removed all the indexing, that this issue was discovered and highlighted on the forum. That was on the Saturday. Duncan, who is now our IT guru, investigated and it took two separate actions
  7. Google has started re-indexing the forum as a few posts now come up in a search. This will improve over the coming days. Please be vigilant for spam attacks. They could return.
  8. Hi all, This has now been fixed. Please logout and then have a look at the forum: the technical forum is now visible again to the public. Google will now re-index the technical forum so that it shows up again on searches. This will take a bit of time. Thanks for your patience, Mick
  9. Join fellow TR Register Car Club members for a day out or the whole weekend at the Donington Historic Festival with a 50% discount off ticket prices. The event is held over the weekend of 4th and 5th May 2024. We have already registered our club with the Donington Historic Festival organisers MSV. This provides our club members with a dedicated parking area, close to the action, and 50% discount off advanced ticket prices. To get your discounted tickets please use the link within the members only area: Discounted tickets You will need to login to access the discount as there is a link ded
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