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John Mellor

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  • Location
    Southend on Sea
  • Cars Owned:
    TR2 , MGB, TR6, Jensen Healey, Lambretta 175, Suzuki 550, Honda dream, Yamaha Fazer, TVR S3, 500 SL, 350Z and now TR4. Lots of Volvos and various old bangers over 60 years or so

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  1. Many thanks Peter. In Spain until late Feb so it will be a Spring task Regards John M
  2. Peter/Stuart, thanks. The old steel strip does indeed have 4 equally spaced holes. I bought a new one in an attempt to make fitting the top easier a few years back - it didn't. The tear in the flap was, I thought due to the vigorous effort on my part to fit it . Its now in for the winter and the top won't be removed until next year. I'm puzzled by the term "smash together rivets" and would have thought anything of that sort would impede the flap sliding into the slot. Regards John M PS I have an email from a former police driver who remembered what a sod it was to put up the
  3. Hi Peter, my side strips are held in place in the same manner as your pic. Its the lateral end of the long central strip that protrudes through the fabric
  4. Hi Peter, not sure about this. There are poppers at each end of the hood and the poppers wrapping a flap around the hood frame bar ( above your head } - are these the ones you mean? Regards John M
  5. I spoke to one and he said sewing in a new section would introduce another set of needle holes which would seriously weaken the join between flap and hood. I posted here just to see if there was any experience. I guess that most problems like this occur in tatty hoods making a repair not worthwhile - unlike mine where its almost as new apart from the one defect shown in the pic
  6. Hi all, so it appears no one has repaired the flap. In that case it only seems a matter of time before the split extends and more of the stiffener protrudes as per the pic. Shame as the hood then becomes scrap despite being in otherwise perfect condition. Ah well
  7. Thanks all, it's reassuring to hear of the decent quality from Moss - very reasonable price too. Think I'll forget glass polishing with cerium oxide pastes but might be useful for kitchen glass induction hob. John M PS just a comment on Megiures glass cleaner - absolute SH1TE - left a greasy residue which interacts bady with washer fluid
  8. Diagnosis of such noises can be difficult. On a Spanish tour my 4's intermittent whir/vibration was very disconcerting. Mechanic mate suggested a dry bearing but dipped the oil to find it at the right level. Layshaft became favourite diagnosis. shipped to Pete Cox and the main finding was a very worn clutch mechanism. Tom Cox dealt with and upgraded gearbox internals and known weaknesses as well as replacing clutch pins, cross shaft etc. We decided that the intermittent nature of the noise was due to a resonance vibration within the clutch cross shaft - or at least that was my interpreta
  9. Hi all, looking to replace the screen and wondered about the quality and fit of the alternatives. I suspect that the glass polishing kits aren't too effective. Regards John M
  10. Looks like a two piece...
  11. Hi all, trying to replace the rubber strip on the sill where it has been "kicked off". It's firmly attached on the A and B post but can't persuade it to grip the metal lip
  12. Like BFG I have a car which I'm happy to drive anywhere; took it through Spain in 2023 - It's never missed a beat. However I have to confess that the state of roads in and around my part of Essex has spoiled the pleasure. The tyre noise of overtaking cars at motorway speeds is also extremely intrusive these days when the top's down. So I guess my quirky police TR4 is going "down the road" next year Regards all
  13. Thanks all, Id assumed the tight fit was needed to stop hood coming adrift above 50 mph. and it was just a **** system quickly changed on the 4A. I have emails from ex police drivers describing their difficulties with the hood back in the day. As an aside I was away recently and was unable to join the funeral cortege of one of these officers So two issues: 1) split in flap,anyone had a repair and did it last ? See pic attached 2) I assumed a tight fit is needed to stop it lifting - but just how tight ?
  14. Hi all, the vinyl "flap" that holds the metal stiffener has split in one small section. I suspect its happened because I found it such a ball ache to fit that I resorted to a piece of wood to force it into the windscreen slot before tensioning the frame/hood.The hood and window are in as new condition so took it to a local trimmer who said he could repair it but it wouldn't last because his sewing machine would punch more holes in the fabric and the tension in the system would further tear the weakend seam. Can't seem to attach a pic. Nevertheless I'm sure I'm not the first to experience
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