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About TimG

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  • Cars Owned:
    TR3A assembled 1961 in South Africa from a 1958 CKD kit.
    Sunbeam 16hp 1930

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  1. Slosh sealer has lasted over 35 years on my 1930 Sunbeam. I dont know how it would last with E10 fuel. I also slosh sealed the tank on my 1964 Bentley S3 but that has long departed my care.
  2. Stuart where is your vent knob? One of the screws on my vent knob panel has no nut. Is it possible to get to the back to fit a nut without dismantling the dash? I also have a non standard electric temp gauge. Do the capillary gauges have a larger diameter sensor then electric gauges? The sensor on mine is fitted without any adaptor just screwed direct.
  3. I second that, they usually have a good turn round time.
  4. My 165/80 Continental spare was almost impossible to remove from the well. My car is 1958 ckd kit from South Africa & from rough roads looked as though the well floor had been pushed up. I got the scissor jack in a carefully wound it out to push the floor down. Its still very tight to get the spare out but is better.
  5. I could not read the number of my belt & even if I could I cannot get it past the starter dog & steering rack so like Marco I now carry a Power Twist belt https://www.bearingboys.co.uk/Link-Belting/PowerTwist-Plus-B-Section-Link-V-Belt-17mm-Top-Width-x-1m-97396-p
  6. I came across this on a "comparision site" https://glasspolishshop.com/glass-restoration/glass-polishing-kits/windscreen-polishing-kit-do-it-yourself. Not hugely expensive to try on a small area unless anyone has another recommendation
  7. My 3A came from South Africa & the windscreen appears to have been sand blasted. In most conditions its fine but driving into low sun its a bit like a misted screen. I could have a new screen but there are South African stickers on it I'd like to retain. A search only brings up old threads so does anyone have recent experience of polishing a screen & any recommendations? There are some light scratches but that does not bother me.
  8. Its quite likely that over the years locks have been changed, my TR3a has three different keys ignition, boot & glovebox non of which fit the doors. Since the doors are not worth locking I never bothered getting new barrels which you can get as a matched pair
  9. Unfortunately the exchange dynamo does not fit, the pulley does not line up, its about 1//2 pulley width rearwards. Seems my original dyno had a longer shaft so pulley sits farther out from the body. I've asked the supplier to get old one refurbed & will swap with new one.
  10. I would stick with the paper cartridge type. Many of the spin on filters are of very poor quality despite having a known name. I changed mine working entirely from above other than from below to get the sump plug out.
  11. Varta have performed well for me, 17 years on a 1930 sunbeam with no voltage control & 13 years on a Bentley S3
  12. I'm going for a service exchange dynamo.
  13. John there is only 1V at D terminal on regulator expected 13+V if dynamo working. Tests 1 & 2 and field to earth resistance check indicates dynamo fault rather than regulator. Have a read of this thread
  14. Thanks Rob. It will have to wait as too many commitments over next few days. I'll go to the rally on battery alone.
  15. I checked for zero on the meter & retested giving steady 0.4 ohm
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