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​Newsletter (Round Robin) July 2021 #2

First a big thank you to everyone who came along to the last club evening. As well as TR's we also had the immaculate MG Midget of Paul Driver (winner of Best non TR) and the also immaculate Warwick of Frank Wright - how many Groups have one of those at their meet? Best TR and Pub choice was Peter Hudspith's TR4.

Next meet is on Tuesday 10th of August which is the Boules night, French costume is an option-could there be a prize?

A call has been made for anyone going to Malvern  13-15 August 2021 who has either a TR4 or a race car that could be displayed there. For TR4 contact Jon Marshall at for racing cars it's


Talking of Malvern there is also a need for helpers at the event, nothing to onerous but giving up a bit of time. In the past I have assisted at the auto solo (and had a free ride around and also helped shepherd cars into the ring. If interested give Jo a ring at the office, on 01235818866.

If anyone is going to Henham 18th and19th September 2021 can they let me know as it may be possible to have cars nearer together if they arrive at the same time.


Finally, have been advised that there is another good show at Alde Valley Classics, which is at Stratford St Andrew on 8th of August please see their website for details. 

Alde Valley Classics

Think that’s about it, hope to see more of you soon.

Stewart Hurrell GL Abbott and Stour, 01787-282176,

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times