Manage your membership

New Management Team structure announced ahead of 2023 Annual General Meeting

The club has outlined the outcomes of its future planning and strategy consultation. The presentations and notes from the meetings were shortly after circulated to all groups via the respective group leaders.

One of the key outcomes was a re-structuring of the management team of the club. As a result of the first stage of this transition, the following leadership roles are open for election at the Annual General Meeting. Along with each leadership role is a summary of key role responsibilities. Nomination forms as well as a full version of all job descriptions, will be available to download from and must be submitted alongside declarations of interest, details for proposers and seconders and a 300-word citation before 11:59pm on 16th March 2023. This is 30 days before the AGM, to be held at the British Motor Museum, Gaydon on Sunday 16th April at 11am.


  • Financially qualified or numerate with strong understanding of good financial practice.
  • Ensures the club complies with all relevant financial regulations as well as maintaining appropriate governance compliance through robust systems, procedures and practices.
  • Ensures back office systems of work are in place to ensure accurate financial reporting.
  • Works with other key Club stakeholders to ensure that financial and operational IT platforms are fit for purpose for the Club.
  • Works with the Management Team on production of business plans and budgets that reflect all planned activities.
  • Provides relevant operational information for the Management Team to ensure key areas of overall Club Performance as well as specific project events and initiatives are monitored against plan and any deviations identified.
  • Provides accurate key financial reports of performance covering the traditional areas of profit and loss accounts, balance sheets, cash flow projections, thus ensuring the on going financial health of the Club.
  • Works with external third party service providers on necessary financial reporting and audit requirements.
  • Responsibility for any bank accounts associated with the club
  • Oversee the presentation of accounts to the AGM and ensure all relevant paperwork is prepared in a timely manner.

Strategy & Club Development

  • Work with the Club Management Team on day to day operational items and key strategic or project thrusts.
  • Provide leadership in the development and maintenance of an effective Club strategy aimed at “Keeping the Spark Alive”.
  • Provide leadership in the development of annual business plans that reflect base operations as well as key strategy delivery items.
  • Work with the Management team to ensure annual plans are adequately funded and resourced.
  • Work with the Finance Leader to ensure on going measures of performance are presented to the Management team of the club and any potential corrective adjustments or measures are discussed and addressed.
  • Provide Leadership on Club Organisational Structure design and roles in line with any changing business requirements.
  • Provide on going value stress testing of members benefits package compared to membership subscription.
  • Maintain a watching brief to ensure back-office operation and operating business platforms are fit for purpose for planned deliverables.
  • Offer a supportive role to the day-to-day management, HR and resources of the club.
  • Provide some of the eyes and ears of the Club, harvesting ideas and improvement opportunities for discussion and development within the Management Team for possible inclusion in future strategies.
  • Provide the commercial vision to identify opportunities to enhance the club offering with respect to products, experiences, events and services
  • Provide leadership in constantly reviewing the future strategy and suggesting opportunities to evolve where needed.
  • Provide ownership for the conversion of the overall strategy into effective plans and facilitate the appropriate phasing and timing of strategy components.
  • Ability and willingness to take on additional specific tasks related to strategy delivery or club development as and when.


  • Work with the Club Management Team on day-to-day operational items and key strategic or project thrusts.
  • Provide leadership to the Membership Area Coordinators.
  • Provide the conduit between the MT and Area Coordinators (and vice versa) - including ensuring that all relevant communication information is packaged and delivered in a clear concise, consistent and transparent way.
  • Work with the Area Coordinators to ensure all Group Leaders receive the ongoing support required to remain effective.
  • Work with the area coordinators and group leaders to identify areas of potential common group interest, best practice and potential sharing and learning opportunities across groups.
  • Manage the Area Coordinator selection process.
  • Work with Area Coordinators to ensure an effective national forum is maintained to ensure all Group Leaders remain connected as a community as well as to the Club overall.
  • Ensure the Youth Group Coordinator is integrated into the Membership Team activities as appropriate and is given specific support on areas unique to the Youth Group.
  • Provide the commercial vision to identify opportunities to enhance the club offering with respect to products, experiences, events and services.
  • Ability and willingness to take on additional specific tasks related to strategy delivery or club development as and when.


  • Work with the Club Management Team on day-to-day operational items and key strategic or project thrusts.
  • Coordination between TR Register and international affiliated car clubs
  • Represent TR Register at coordinator’s meetings.
  • First point of contact for international clubs visiting the UK.
  • First point of contact for international members requiring advice/assistance
  • Point of contact for members travelling overseas.
  • Develop and manage TR Tours and TR Trips.
  • Provide the commercial vision to identify opportunities to enhance the club offering with respect to products, experiences, events and services.
  • Ability and willingness to take on additional specific tasks related to strategy delivery or club development as and when.

Asset Management

  • Work with the Club Management Team on day-to-day operational items and key strategic or project thrusts.
  • Participate with the Management Team on identification of key Asset acquisition or disposal opportunities.
  • Custodian and management contact for the Club Insurance scheme.
  • Custodian of all Club Intellectual Property.
  • Custodian of all Club Archive Material.
  • Asset management and upkeep of key club assets including TS2, Buildings and Major Hardware.
  • Manage and Lead the Club Car Loan Scheme including asset management and upkeep, loanee selection and performance monitoring, scheme effectiveness appraisal.
  • Ability and willingness to take on additional specific tasks related to strategy delivery or club development as and when.


  • Work with the Club Management Team on day-to-day operational items and key strategic or project thrusts.
  • Work with the Management Team on developing an annual plan covering all planned calendar National events.
  • Lead the operational planning, funding and resourcing of the agreed national events.
  • Ensure that there is always good understanding between the National Team and the Local Groups on who is providing the leadership for events especially where there is scope for ownership overlap.
  • Provide on going stewardship and final reporting on the performance of National events including budget compliance and overall event effectiveness for feed forward into future planning.
  • Provide the commercial vision to identify opportunities to enhance the club offering with respect to products, experiences, events and services
  • Ensure appropriate resources and support are acquired and available for each event.
  • Ensuring compliance programmes are in place with respect to Health, Safety and Environmental (SHE) regulations for all National events.
  • Possible future integration of Motorsport responsibility- to be decided
  • Ability and willingness to take on additional specific tasks related to strategy delivery or club development as and when.

Chairman (must have served one year on the Management Team in the preceding year) 

  • Provide Leadership to the National Club Management Team
  • Work with the Club Management Team on day to day operational items and key strategic or project thrusts
  • Provide Leadership of the Club at the National Level both internally and externally
  • Responsible for the Club Culture, Image, Brand, Media, Publications and PR working in conjunction with the Press Office.
  • Responsible and Accountable for the overall effective running of the Club
  • Responsible and Accountable for the overall financial, legal and SHE compliance of all Club activities.
  • Represent the club within the classic car community and beyond
  • Primary point of contact with Club President, Vice President and other Honorary positions.
  • Responsible and Accountable for the overall effectiveness of delivered plans and strategies and their impact on future Club performance.
  • Provides the Commercial Leadership as and when it doesn’t fit with other functional leadership roles.
  • Ability and willingness to take on additional specific tasks related to strategy delivery or club development as and when.

A Vice - Chairman will be appointed by the MT from within the new Management Team after their election at the AGM. The Vice – Chairman will:

  • Deputise for the Chairman when they are unavailable.
  • At the same time as carrying out their own elected MT role.

A Technical position will be added to the Management Team later. This is currently a position for the future, to be developed in line with published 2022 Strategy document.

Separate from the management team, a sub-committee of area coordinators will be formed to focus on local group activities and will be chaired by the Membership leader. Area coordinators are to be elected to positions by the local group leaders that they represent. The precise election process for this will be discussed and agreed at the forthcoming group leader’s meeting. The team of area coordinators (elected by local group leaders) will:

  • Liaise with and support the Groups in their area.
  • Ensure effective communication between the MT and their Groups.
  • Share good practice and ideas between Groups.
  • Support & encourage Groups in delivering activities.
  • Encourage participation in national, international and inter-group events.
  • Monitor Groups to ensure good practice & compliance with club guidelines.
  • Offer advice and assistance regarding to the appointment of group leaders and the running of Group AGMs.
  • Attend annual Group Leaders meeting.
  • Be elected by their local group leaders.

For more information and to register to attend the AGM, visit: .

Management Team Job Nomination Forms:

Finance - Download Finance nomination form

Strategy and Club Development - Download Strategy nomination form

Membership - Download Membership nomination form

International - Download International nomination form

Asset Management - Download Asset Management nomination form

Events - Download Events nomination form

Chairman - only those having served on the MT in the preceding year may apply. - Chairman's nomination form.

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