Manage your membership
How to join the meeting
Joining the meeting is very simple. It will work with any browser and on any device, but for best results, use Google Chrome running on a desktop, laptop or tablet computer.
To attend, simply click the button below or copy and paste this link into your browser:

You will arrive on a landing page and will be prompted to enter your email address.

Please note that this MUST be the email address you used to register your attendance. It is the email address that you received this email to. If you did not register , you will not be able to access the feed. 

You will also be asked for your current membership number. This can be found on your membership card and was input into the form when you registered.

If you did not register to attend, the system will return a note saying that it was unable to log you in.
Join the meeting
How to set up the meeting
When you click submit on the log in page, you will be entered into the AGM. Here, you will be presented with the screens below, with the video on the right and the interactive window on the left.

TOP TIP: Your video player on most browsers will default to being on mute, so un-mute it as per below if you have no sound. If you still cannot hear after ensuring the volume on the player is turned up, then check your computer volume settings and mute buttons.
How to vote
Voting will be announced by the Chairman at various points during the agenda. At that point, tab to the Polls menu item on the interactive window to the left of the screen, tick the box and click Submit to cast your vote. You will have approximately 1 minute to cast your votes before we move on to the next agenda item.
*Image shown is from a previous AGM for demonstration purposes, therefore the date is from the past.
How to ask a question
During the meeting, any member has the ability to ask a question. Questions will be at the discretion of the moderator and Chairman as to whether they are answered within the meeting or not.

Tab across to the Q&A page in the interaction window and type your question in. If accepted, the question will be displayed publicly and will be answered by the meeting. If not, your question will be recorded and answered after the meeting.

We cannot promise to answer every question during the meeting, but we will endeavour to follow up questions with answers after the meeting or alternatively, you can email them in to the office at any time. We are always happy to help and to answer member's questions at any time.
*Image shown is from a previous AGM for demonstration purposes, therefore the date is from the past.
Bear with us, please be patient!

We ask of you that you please remain patient during the meeting if a technical glitch might occurs or if we need some time to line up the voting results.

If you drop off the call for any reason, you can rejoin at any time by following the steps above.

Please note, if you did not register to attend, you will not able to log in to view the AGM in real time. However, we will be publishing a recording of the event on the AGM page of the TR Register website during the week following the meeting.

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