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I made a lot of progress during 2012 despite my busy travel schedule for work. It helped that I have all of the reference material in PDF format and by 2012 WiFi on planes was more available and more reliable so I used the many hours of travel to plan the next phase of the project.

2012 was a significant year as I had by now completed the major tub repairs, completed most of the structural repairs to the outer panels, test fitted all of the outer panels and then removed the tub from the frame.

The frame had been media blasted and painted, the rear axle rebuilt and I had made a start on the brakes.

As I looked ahead to 2013 I was looking at finishing the rolling chassis, refurbishing and installing the front suspension and brakes, and rebuilding and installing the engine. I also hoped that I would be getting ready to do some painting of the body but that would have to wait.

I was about to start year three of my two year project and I updated my Forum status to push the target end date out another year.