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I saved the rear end of the tub until the last because first I was dreading it and second I figured my welding and lead loading skills would have improved by the time I got to the rear. Let us marvel at this next picture and then I'll explain what is going on. I'll use the left hand side for this description but these procedures were applied to both sides to one degree or another.

This is the left rear corner with some of the paint and filler removed. What we see here is a patch that was brazed over a rust hole and because the side panel had rotted, there was no cage nut to attach the wing so the wing had been brazed to the rear panel. The whole mess had then been filled with bondo including the seam between the wing and the tub. At this point I can hear the repairer saying oh crap, there is no way to attach the lower chrome beading. The solution was to bang some slots in the back of the wing to accept the beading tabs.

We can see in the picture above how the side panel had dissolved at the bottom taking the bottom cage nut with it and quite a lot of the rear and lower underside all across the bottom has gone.

I remember mailing the image abiove to Stuart and he replied that he rarely gets to work on anything in this good a condition.

Fans of project Binky will recognize the CAD (cardboard assisted design) technique for fabricating repair sections. The patch at the bottom of the picture is the one that was brazed onto the rear left corner. Neither it or the panel it was brazed to had been primed so they had continued to rot after the repair was made.

Here's how that end looked after I had welded in the repair sections.

After cutting back the lower left corner to solid metal I welded in a new patch and then lead filled the bottom corner and the back of the rear wing so I could be sure that the curves matched.

The rest of the rear end followed the same pattern of cutting out the rot, fabricating repair panels, welding them in and using body solder to re-create the contours. When the car is finished a keen eye will probably be able to tell there is something not quite right about this rear end but I hope it will pass the 10 foot test.