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Social Scene 317

Social Scene 317

Thames Valley Group – Social Scene TR Action 317

David Goswell writes:

What an amazingly busy summer TVG have had, culminating with our attendance at Stratford-upon- Avon. A number of us did our best to fight back the weather on the Friday night, Peter Rocks sadly returned to a flooded tent. Peter donated his tent to the rubbish bin before leaving and is currently sourcing a waterproof replacement. Saturday came with sunshine, a cooked breakfast and in the evening the traditional TVG BBQ with 19 in attendance. None of this could have been possible without Mike Moffat lending his trailer to Bob LeBrocq who fitted a tow bar to his TR3 and brought the gazebo, tables and the trusty BBQ. Thanks Bob, we all appreciate you keeping the tradition going.

But of course, summer wasn’t just about Stratford. Our monthly meetings at The Surrey Oaks, have regularly been bringing in over 20 cars; luckily we have a reserved parking area. At a recent meeting we were pleased to see Peter Hunt who was the Group Leader back in the early days of TVG. He came along in his gleaming TR3A which he actually took to the first TR Register meeting back in 1970, nearly 50 years ago. Also welcome to Stephen Thorne whose Register membership is in the post. This will take the TVG membership up to 186.

Our list of cars has now been extended thanks to Robin Powell adding a beautiful GTR4A Dove to his collection, which is a rare model and in great condition. Robin is struggling to find something to do on it, apart from polishing it!

Steve & Clare Martin, who have a beautiful TR6 called Terence, decided that they would like to organise a TR6 50th birthday party. This consisted of a number of TVG members having a picnic outside of their house, whilst Clare provided drinks and Steve entertained us with his music collection. You should have been there!

Our annual visit to the Cranleigh Classic Car Show, turned into a great day with 18 cars in attendance including Robert Sills after having just finished the restoration of his TR3A. Thanks to the London, Windsor Forest and Kent Groups who also attended, for making one corner of the field a dedicated TR area.

Most of us missed the Capel Classic show, due to a clash with Stratford, but a couple made it along to the show which was dedicated to the Triumph mark.

IMPORTANT NEWS: We have changed our Wednesday evening meetings to The Stepping Stones pub, near to Dorking, as The Abinger Hatch isn’t working too well for us. It’s a great shame as The Hatch has served us well since at least 1992.

Our regular meetings are: The Stepping Stones (RH5 6BS) on the second Wednesday of each month from 20:00, with the main meeting from 12:00 at The Surrey Oaks (RH5 5DZ) on the last Sunday of the month.This seems to be attracting more people (particularly if it’s warm and dry) and we’ve got a reserved area at the back of the pub car park for our TRs.We’re a friendly bunch and new members are always welcome – do come along whether you’ve got a TR or not!Please see the TR Register website for more information:

Thames Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times