Sunday 10th June 2018. Joint Drive and Pub Lunch with The Jaguar Drivers Club – Entries closed

We have been invited to join the Sussex branch of the Jaguar Drivers Club on their mid-summer run.
Planning is still under way for this but here is an outline of what will be involved.
Meet at 10-00am for breakfast, tea, coffee etc. Venue tba but likely to be central Sussex area.
Depart 11-00am for a 30 mile approx drive to a pub. Route directions are handed out on the day which will give the pub location. Comfort break usually included on route.
Lunch about 1-00pm (optional).
Costs - £3 per car + £10 per person deposit for lunch (this is to get commitment from folk and will be refunded on the day when payment for food is made individually).
If you'd like to participate in this, then please let Hugh know asap but by 20th April absolute latest so I can advise our numbers.
N.B. There may have to be a limit so it will be first come, first served.