TR Action Report London Group presented for issue 296

First things first my sincere apologises for an error in last month's report, it is Jay and Tony at Crown Classics not Jay and John goodness only knows what I was thinking. So moving on, later in December after that Fantastic Winter Health check event at Crown hosted by Jay and Tony we had our Christmas Dinner/Party hosted by the Magpie Hotel and Bar by the Thames. Firstly we all meet in the river side bar, all 27 of us, then we moved upstairs to our prepared room with its own bar and a slide show of photographs taken during all our 2016 activities. It is safe say that the food was great, the ambience was fabulous and the chatter flowed. It almost seemed an interruption, when it was time to have Coffee and the now almost traditional music Intro game, this along with feely bags, a Raffle and of course the presentation of the London Group Annual Awards. The "TR Nut" presented to the individual who has attended the most events during the year this was awarded to Alan Jones, The "Piston from Above" presented to the unfortunate who through absolutely no fault of his or her own has been dealt a very bad hand regarding their TR this year, Chris Orson was the worthy recipient. The final Award the "Dipstick" is awarded to the individual who all agree has not only made a humiliating error but of course done it in public. I am proud to announce that for the third year in succession, that individual has been my good self. (I feel that the first few lines of this report will result in my retention of this Award into 2018, we can only hope). So after Christmas and I trust you all had a good one, first event of the year was the Brooklands New Year's Day Gathering. In total 16 Cars made the Event, we had booked our own space so all our cars were together with the TR Register London Group Flag flying. Many photos were taken some actually appearing on the Classic and Sports car newsfeed website. So future plans; our trip to Spa Francorchamps is now pretty much complete, we have another upcoming event at Brooklands their Winter Breakfast and of course Valentine's Day is looming. Finally then, come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can find us on the first Thursday of every month at the Rose of York in Richmond or on the third Thursday at an alternative venue (keep an eye on the web site) - both start at about 9.00pm