TR Action Report London Group presented for issue 270

Well as promised a bit about the London group at this year's IWE, a great time had by all. Terry my TR4A as he is known made his first public appearance after a very long and sometimes painful 2 and half year re-build, and as is appropriate Terry was met with the usual mix of Oh I like that! , why did you do that? I don't really like that! Did you mean it to look like that? You need to sort your gaps out! Have the brakes always squealed? Etc. etc. All the appropriate mickey takes as befits any newly unveiled TR.
But enough of that, to more important parts of the IWE and the London Group. Jean Parkinson excelled as has become anticipated with her cakes for the TR Register, this time celebrating the 60th anniversary of TR2. Well done to Gerry West who made an epic transportation contribution- the stress and strain of transporting such an important and delicate item cannot be underestimated. A sterling effort. We also unveiled our new Fire pit (sourced by no less a person that our new Club Secretary Sarah Fielder) which worked tremendously well, setting fire to the grass a full day after the night before as we emptied the seemingly dead charcoals whilst packing up to leave, the damn thing was still alive!!! Also one of our old original TR Register London group banners saw the light of day after a good few years. Thanks to Tony Lennon for bringing it along it will now be a standard feature. Saturday night at the IWE is our "out for a curry" night and amazingly we managed to book a table for 20 plus of us at a local tandoori for that evening. Unfortunately it turned out that they had confused us with another booking so whilst some dropped out the majority of us enjoyed a very nice curry, just in different parts of the same restaurant, but as they say "you live and learn" we will book well in advance for our next visit to Malvern. We are currently researching Curry Houses in the Harrogate area, we have a few in mind!!
As you may have read a number of our younger members the under 20's Emma, Matt & George all took up the opportunity to drive the Coca Cola TR7, to say they were impressed is one seriously massive under-statement. They just couldn't stop telling us about it, I think the register has sown some serious TR seeds for the future – Mission accomplished TR Register!
Later in the month we had our monthly drive out this time to the Scarlett Arms who definitely made a big fuss of us. Gerry Byrne was on particularly good form, it was a great day. Looking forward plans are afoot in October for an Autumn Leaves run and a Conkers competition, in November of course we have our Fireworks party (there is no prize for the biggest loudest Firework just a sense of justly smug!) and finally of course Christmas can't go without a party, the location and date are set, the fancy dress category this year is Panto! So watch out for the pictures in the January TR Action! But if none of these float your boat and you just fancy a natter over a beer you are most welcome. You can join us on the first Thursday of every month at the Rose of York in Richmond or the third Thursday at an alternative venue (keep an eye on the web site) - both kick off at around 9.00pm.