Brunel Newsletter No 188 - May 2017
Group Leader Ramblings
With a bit of luck Andy and Viv will be joining us on Wednesday for a bit of a catch-up and to drop off the Brunel Group regalia for us.If it fits in my car I'll take it down to Weston and look after it in the garage.Apparently we have one good gazebo which Andy will bring with him, another reasonable one which Roddy looks after, and a rather tired one that may be ready for disposal.Please offer up any thoughts on the third one by email if you will not be at the Wednesday meeting where we may decide its fate!
At the last group meeting it was very clear that many of you have been spared my monthly ramblings.I have had a look into this and hope it is now fixed.I had been using the Brunel member list provided by the TR Register, whereas Andy maintained his own list to suit the group as it evolved, there were 47 differences between the two!So, I have now combined the two and everyone should now receive it.There should be an unsubscribe link in the covering email if you wish to drop out.You will also note it is now shorter, largely due to the smaller font!
At last the Brunel Facebook page is up and running, thank you for your patience!Just follow this link .
I have now added a Technical Talk page to the Brunel website, I have had a few inputs but so far have failed miserably to add them to the page.I'll fix that as soon as I can.
Helen Luffman has kindly completed the AGM draft minutes as at the end of this email.Please feel free to offer up any corrections at least one month prior to the next AGM in 2018 where we will approve them as the formal record.
I understand from Roddy we made £36 from the sale of all our remaining spares at the last monthly meeting.
I will take this opportunity to welcome PaulNorthey from Caerleon, Newport who recently joined the TR Register, and Tony Haynes of Bishopsworth, Bristol who recently rejoined.Maybe we will see you at the Jubilee Inn one Wednesday evening or at any of the events.
This month the newsletter covers:
- Group Leader Ramblings
- Social Reports of Recent Events
- Social Events Coming Up
- Technical Talk
- Small Print
- Contact details for the group's officers
- An agenda for the next meeting
- A full events calendar showing items we are, or maybe attending
- List of group contacts
If you want to see anything else please let me know.