About Brunel TRs
Brunel TR's were formed in May 1992 to fill the need for a local group in the Bristol and Bath area. From those early days the group has grown steadily under the leadership of Andy Spencer, the late Bruce Mandell-Lynn, Kevin Thompson, and now Dave Green, going from strength to strength to become an established local group of the TR Register. Our catchment area includes members in Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset, Gloucestershire, Monmouthshire, and Wiltshire. The group has a very committed and active membership and events include social runs, local car show displays, weekends away, and participation with other local car clubs. Our monthly meetings are regularly well attended and a good social evening guaranteed. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at The Ashton in Long Ashton, Bristol, BS41 9LX from about 7.30pm.
We also meet for breakfast or coffee at the Salt and Malt, Chew Magna, at around 10:00 on the first Sunday of each month, and, at Puxton Park, just off M5 J21 for breakfast or coffee, from around 9:45 on the second and fourth Sunday of each month.
Although this website has plenty of information the best place to see our upcoming events and reports on past events is our Facebook page which has over 2,000 followers around the world click here: Facebook
The general ethos of Brunel TR's is to provide its members with a means to enjoy their TR's through social and motoring activities and to preserve the TR marque. We also have a considerable amount of technical knowledge within the group which we are only to happy to impart to anyone with an interest in TRs. The group also holds a range of specialised tools and equipment for social events. We produce our own monthly newsletter which contains details of all our forthcoming events, social reports and technical articles. We encourage new members to join our events and monthly meetings for a warm welcome and benefit from being part of the group.