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Brunel Visit to Kings Weston House

Brunel Visit to Kings Weston House

Kingsweston House Trip - Sunday 2nd April

As one of Brunel's 1st events on the social calendar I must say it was a sizzler in every sense of the word! The sun shone, the people were out and the House looked magnificent. Our 7 cars were parked ceremoniously at the side of this historic House, gleaming in the sunshine and adding intrigue to all who passed by.
We also attracted interest from another TR member not in the club but who had a rather nice TR 3, so Bob and Ginny soon put their recruiting skills to the fore and 'got chatting' though I don't think the owner took the bait!
After a refreshing drink we then took our tour of the House by the owner Norman Routledge who's had the House for 4 years.
He told us some of the history – Built in 1712 and designed by Sir John Vanburgh, Bristol became the only city outside London to have building designed by him.
After W.W.1 the House was used as a hospital, and later developed into Bath University School of Architecture before finally becoming a Police Training Centre until 1995.
However Mr Routledge is now the proud owner and has done an amazing job of sympathetically keeping the structure of the place whilst making big improvements. After our extremely interesting tour we took a walk around some of the estate before dining in the Bistro restaurant for a delightful cordon bleu Sunday roast! What could be better!
But still the sun shone so myself and Les weeks decided to give the cars an extra run and popped up to Thornbury Castle where we had yet more refreshment.
What a fabulous day for us all and one that I think we will really remember.
Thanks to the sungods!!

Brunel TRs Group

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