April Showers (and rain and fog)
Grab your diaries and make sure you have April 29th booked out. Why? This is Bob's April Showers (hopefully not) Run. We will meet at Tesco Car Park, Bury St Edmunds for a 10.30pm start, don't be late as you may miss the lunch!! Please let either myself at TRmessagestewart@hotmail.com 01787282176 or Bob Bell on larkvalley.rpbell@hotmail.co.uk 01284768127 know in order that he can book sufficient places for lunch, if you haven't already done so.
The next date is 13th May for West Suffolk Motor Club Classic Run if you have not booked yet look on their website, a great day out as I experienced last year with fellow Group members David and Irene Tydeman and Peter and Maureen Hudspith
The next Breakfast Club will be Sunday 20th May at Thetford Garden Centre IP24 2RL be there at 10.00 o,clock-as my sat nav wanted to take me a half mile further down the road-0.8km in euros-it is the turning after Tescos as you head to Kilverston. Please let me know if you wish to attend.
Elveden Show is 27th May where we have a Group stand entry forms are on the Elveden Estate web site but if interested please contact Peter Hudspith on peter.hudspith@gmail.com 01440707847 so we know the total numbers.
A suggestion has been made for a run out to The Ace Café London, like many people I have read about this but never been. Anyone interested? Their web site does not have a specific Triumph night but plenty of general classic bike and car evenings.
Nearer home we have Krazy Horse Bury St Edmunds IP32 6NU who have a classic bike night 7th June 6-10pm bbq and band. I have been before and it is a good night to see so many bikes and appreciate what some people can do in terms of home restorations.
Member Alistair Harris is selling his TR6 the spec is enormous and sounds like a very nice car, contact him on alastair.jharris@btinternet.com
Also, another member is looking for storage space for his TR(a restoration project for the future),so if anyone has a spare garage, shed or barn, preferably in the northern part of the group can they let me know.
Stewart Hurrell