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Clutch Component Quality

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I need to replace the clutch cover and can remember a topic on quality of clutch components but can't remember if it related to covers or plates. Can anyone remind me or even better pass on some first hand UK experience with recent clutch cover purchases?

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The major problem was with the friction plate. One manufacturer was supplying plates with only 3 rivets attaching the splined shaft to the outer friction plate.

End result was disaster for a good number of people.

The covers have led a quite life in comparison.


If you do a search on this forum you should find long saga's of what went on.




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The major problem was with the friction plate. One manufacturer was supplying plates with only 3 rivets attaching the splined shaft to the outer friction plate.

End result was disaster for a good number of people.

The covers have led a quite life in comparison.


If you do a search on this forum you should find long saga's of what went on.




Roger - thanks, that makes sense. By chance I have a spare cover in the garage loft, so I think I might use that it looks in good nick compared with the one off the 4.

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