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Posts posted by brian-nz

  1. Hi

    Have just taken apart one of my sidescreens for refurbishing. Both perspex windows will be replaced. I notice that the rear window has a curved piece taken out of the bottom of it at the front part. This is about inch and a half long by half inch high. Both sidescreens are the same.

    Can anyone advise if this is correct or done by a previous owner - if correct is it for some sort of handle grip.



  2. Hi

    Not sure about the seat runners but if he was after proper TR seats, he could try Kilmartin Sheetmetal in Australia. I got mine from there as I only had the passenger back and no pans. Seemed reasonably priced too. Have a look on their website.


  3. Hi All

    I recently purchased a new tail lamp mounting gasket - the one that goes between the lamp and body - and find it is too small.

    The gasket measurement is 5 1/2 inches but my tail lamp is 6 1/2 inches. The tail lamp is numbered Lucas L 549 which appears to be the correct one.

    The gasket provider assures me that 5 1/2 ins is correct and fits snuggly on their lamp bases.


    Can anyone advise which is correct.

    Do I have an incorrect lamp base or will I have to purchase new ones or somehow make a gasket. I have tried heating the gasket to make more pliable without success.




  4. Hi All

    Panelbeater is moving to front of my TR3 soon and the front apron is in need of attention. We have measured the breadth (from front guards gap) and notice that the measurement at the top is 1190cm and the bottom at 1180cm. The apron has had some work done by a PO. Can anyone help with the correct measurement as this will help with gaps etc..

    Thanks. Brian

  5. Hi

    The sound is from a real TR. The sound post being produced in Wellington, NZ using one of our TR Register NZ members TR3A. There is an article in our latest mag on the subject with photos showing mics attached to the front wheel, carbs and exhaust.



  6. I am currently considering the electric fan option for my 3 while it is still in bits. I may keep the original fan which is a 6 blade (looks to be original as some export cars had this ) and put an electric fan in front of the radiator. It would be hidden behind the grille and I could operate it manually if temperature starts to climb.

    Does any one see any problems this this set up


  7. Hi. Having replaced the floors, sills, A post and guards, I am seeking a way to divert the water from this area as it comes off the guard. I am thinking that a channel welded to the side of the bulkhead on a diagonal in the opposite direction to the guard channel may do the trick. Does anyone have any suggestions / better setup for this. The original piece taken out makes no reference to anything there previously. Regards


  8. Hi Frank, my car is a 3 (made 02/57). I have stripped back some of the black paint to reveal the original colour of white, so the black is from a previous owner. While not for the purists, black may look okay in the engine bay but jury still out on this.


  9. Hi. I am cleaning up the engine bay ready for panel work and repaint. I notice that the bay is painted black and is not the same as the exterior colour. I recall reading somewhere at some exported cars had black painted bays and would like to know if this is correct or done by a previous owner. Cheers Brian

  10. Hi. I am thinking about changing to an alternator set up. I was wondering if an alternator from a Triumph Saloon would fit without too much hassle. Also I have heard that I can replace the original fan with a 7 blade plastic one for better cooling rather than an electric one. Does anyone know if this is correct. Cheers. Brian

  11. Hi.

    I am shortly to send my TR3 to the panelbeater (my brother in law). He is a qualified panelbeater but I was talking a fellow classic car enthusist and he advised to leave the motor in while the tub is being done. When he had his Healey done, the motor was out but once the motor was put back in the additional weight caused the car to 'flex' and the doors don't fix correctly now.


    Should I leave motor in while the tub, doors sills,A posts, floors and being done or will this not matter.



  12. Hi

    I am looking to redo the front suspension shortly.

    I notice that from the production data my TR3 came with competition springs and shocks.

    How can I tell if it still has these and also would I need to replace the shocks with modern day adjustable ones or just the standard ones?



  13. Hi guys, having painted a salvador tr3 and a winchester tr3 this past year i can comfirm that the winchester is a darker blue


    i had the colours formulated into waterbourne base coat so the colour can be mixed again and again


    if pictures are needed i think we took pictures of both cars together so you can see the difference


  14. Thanks Andrew

    I had been to the paint shop today(before I was your message) and they were helpful but were not able to locate a colour. The reason being that the cars were imported to New Zealand made up so no paint codes supplied.Don't know what they did if someone needed reapirs done. Some years ago ICI were purchased by PPG and most formulas disappeared with only the more popular continued in some form.

    The furtherest they could go back was to the 70's.

    They suggested getting a sample to match by eye but that is not possible as I am changing the colour completely from the original colour of white. I have a dislike for white due to all the Japanese imports we have here in that colour.


    I will take the formula back to the shop and see if they are able to make it from that.

    Thanks again and to all those who have replied


  15. Hi there

    This car I believe to still be alive and is in New Zealand - TS5512-O. There is an article in our TRansmission magazine of Sept 2008 on this car. Appears to be a NZ creation and it is a TR2. The coupe was designed by a Dunedin optican to suit his family. Conversion carried out by a Dunedin coachbuilder. According to the article it is currently under restoration. If you contact the Register info@trregister.co.nz they may be able give you more info and pictures



  16. Hi All

    I have had my TR3 for about a year now and have just joined the forum. I have to say that the information here is excellent.

    My TR3 has a D type handle bolted to the floor on each side behind the seats.

    Can anyone advise what they are for as I can't find any info about them.


    Brian Cannons

    New Zealand

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