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About arallsopp

  • Birthday October 14

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  • Cars Owned:
    '65 Spitfire4, '66 TR4A , '68 GT6 MK1

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  1. Yes please! PM Sent. Also, just seen your banner image. Did you draw those door gaps on with a fineliner? Oh my.
  2. Interested in this. Got to go check under the bonnet of the 4A, as for the life of me I cannot remember whether this is something I: am planning to get around to, but keep forgetting to do it. have already got around to, and keep forgetting I've done it. Its all a bit embarrassing really. Andy. Edit: Assume from that screen shot its the: CSI-Ignition Distributor, Optimised, 25D4, negative earth. Part Number CSD1114581 For Triumph, TR4, TR4A, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, CSI, Negative Earth, Optimised, Without Immobiliser Suitable for standard and li
  3. Howdo. Is this still on offer? Cheers, Andy
  4. Gosh, that's a good looking car. Not a vantage point its anything less than stunning from. Can't wait to put mine back together.
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