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TR Register International Weekend

Meguiars Concours and Pride of Ownership

Millers Oils Triumph Survivors Display


Words and pictures by Andrew Smith.

Bathed in sunshine, the magnificent Lincoln Showground and the beautiful surrounding countryside set the backdrop for the largest gathering of Triumph TRs and Standard Triumphs in the UK, as this year's International Weekend also featured the Club Triumph National Weekend and Standard Triumph Marque Day.

The 2016 concours event saw a change of format and timings to the judging and awards presentation. The awards presentation was brought forward from its traditional 4pm start to 2pm. The awards presentation was held on the grassed arena allowing greater participation by members, the public and celebration of award winners. Entrants were formed into a half circle in the arena and drove forward to collect their individual awards from our Chairman, Phil Tucker and representatives from our sponsors: Meguiar's, Rimmer Brothers and Millers Oils. The change format went down particularly well with the entrants and viewing public alike and is a feature to be carried forward to 2017; subject the good weather of course!

As the new organiser for the concours event, it was pleasing to see all the planning, preparation and learning undertaken this year come to fruition. But it wasn't without its hic-ups. That said, many lessons were learned and will be incorporated into the 2017 event.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the new and seasoned volunteer judges who stepped forward to give up their time not only over the concours weekend, but also in attending the Judges Training Day back in early June. We now have a pool of 24 volunteer Judges, 19 of whom were busy judging this year's concours and Pride of Ownership events.

Thanks also go to TR Enterprises for hosting the Judges Training Day and also to our sponsors Meguiar's, who ran a Concours Car Preparation Workshop in May. A special mention of thanks to Howard Pryor, East Director who gave valuable advice, assistance and helped on the day; despite wanting to play with his new toy; a 1904 Vintage Cadillac.

Thanks also to Phil Tucker who coached me through the process and gave sage advice throughout. And last but not least, thank you to all the entrants without whom the event wouldn't happen. I look forward to seeing you and your cars next year, and more besides.

See you next year!

Andrew Smith. Concours & Triumph Survivors Organiser

Categories omitted from the results below were not contested.
Download the Rules
Concours Guidance and Rules Sheet
Pride of Ownership Guidance and Rules Sheet


Standard TR2 – 3B/ Derivatives Class

  1. Graham Andrews. Triumph Italia. Score 712. Gold Award.
  2. Peter Knapper. Triumph TR2. Score 665. Silver Award.

Non-Standard TR2 – 3B/ Derivatives Class

  1. Alan Hawley. Triumph TR3A. Powder Blue. 6648 TR. Score 733. Gold Award.
  2. Stephen Butter. Triumph TR3A. Signal Red. 34 PBH. Score 729.5. Gold Award.

Non-Standard TR4 – 5/250 Class

  1. Ian Underwood. Triumph TR4A. Royal Blue. VHN 74F. Score 659. Gold Award
  2. Brian Leighton. Triumph TR4A. Signal Red. EAM 666D. Score 588. Silver Award.
  3. Keith Nuttall. Triumph TR4A. Signal Red. FVH 642C. Score 579. Silver Award.

Non-Standard TR7 - 8 Class

  1. Terry Edwards. Triumph TR7V8. Red. VFX 333X. Score 681. Silver Award.

Masters Class (presented by Bill and Graham Rimmer of Rimmer Bros.)

  1. Laurence Holt. Triumph TR6 (Mallard Blue). OXF 279K. Score 655. Silver Award.
  2. John Phllips. Triumph TR3A. Signal Red. 2375 TR. Score 642. Silver Award.
  3. Harry Dent. Triumph TR5. Signal Red. BCG 106G.Score 555. Silver Award.


Highest Placed Runner Up

Stephen Butter. Triumph TR3A.

The TR Ken Richardson would have liked to have driven home

Paul Harvey. Triumph Italia.

Best Paint and Best Trim

Graham Andrews. Triumph Italia.

Car of the Show

Laurence Holt. Triumph TR6.


TR2 - 3B/Derivatives Class

  1. Dr John Turney. Triumph TR3A. British Racing Green. YAT 139. Score 25. Silver Award
  2. Roger Hinds. Triumph TR2. THY 999. Score 12. Bronze Award.
  3. Alan Gibb. Swallow Doretti. Red. 363 ERE. Score 8. Bronze Award.

TR4 – 5/250 Class

  1. Phil Horsley. Triumph TR250. Royal Blue. AMJ 199F. Score 31.9. Gold Award.
  2. Janice Noble. Triumph TR4A. Signal Red. MRH 63E. Score 31.05. Gold Award.
  3. Nigel Adshead. Triumph TR250. Signal Red. XYV 424F. Score 31.05. Gold Award
  4. Ken Harrison. Triumph TR4. Blue. 900 HBP. Score 27.3. Silver Award.
  5. Mario Cassarini. Triumph TR5. Royal Blue. BO-B45043. Score 14. Bronze Award.

TR6 Class

  1. Malcolm McKitten. Triumph TR6. Pimento Red. MAC 202L. Score 30.45. Gold Award.
  2. Keith Gray. Triumph TR6. Laurel Green. HNP 945J. Score 28.77. Silver Award.
  3. Julia Prebble. Triumph TR6. Emerald Green. 200 URR. Score 27.51. Silver Award.
  4. Tom Smith. Triumph TR6. Carmine Red. UTJ 976M. Score 15.4. Bronze Award.
  5. Neil McIntosh. Triumph TR6. Mimosa Yelllow. UGU 906M. Score 15.4. Bronze Award.

TR7-8 Class

  1. Micheal Huber. Triumph TR7V8. Dark Red Pearl. UPG 377X. Score 25. Silver Award.
  2. Benjamin Zephaniah. Triumph TR7V8. Burgundy Red. Score 13. Bronze Award.
  3. Peter Lesley. Triumph TR7V8. Carmine Red. JGH 76X. Score 12. Bronze Award.

Triumph Survivors: Results 2016


  1. Mike Malone. Triumph TR5. Conifer Green. NKV 513G.
  2. Andy Salter. Triumph TR7. Triton Green. LOG 7X.
  3. Peter Aldous. Triumph TR6. White. SJW 257S.

There are 2 comments on this thread

Maurice Davey

How is it that Car of the Show scored less points than another by some margin. Does not the car with the most points get the top award?

Andrew Smith

Hi Maurice,

It is currently club policy for the 'Car of the Show' award is presented to the Master Class winner.