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Sunday the 1st November 2015 saw the TR Register Annual General Meeting take place at the Heritage Motor Museum, Gaydon. What follows is intended to give a brief overview of the meeting. For the full and detailed minutes please log in and visit:

The meeting was chaired by Vice Chairman Chris Hale following the news that Chairman Phil Tucker had been taken ill moments before the meeting started. We are happy and relieved to learn that Phil Tucker is feeling much better after a spell of rest and recuperation on doctor's advice and is recovering well.

The main headline from the formal part of the AGM proceedings for 2015 was the successful election of three very worthy Honorary Memberships.

Willy Cave
Willy, now in his late 80s, has been rallying since the 1950s and is competing still! In the 1950s, he navigated in TR3s twice for Paddy Hopkirk and once for John Waddington, then in TR4 3VC three times for John Sprinzel. He has navigated for almost every well-known rally driver at some time and, for Historic Rallies, remains highly respected and sought after. Alfa.
Peter Tokely
The story of Peter Tokely's rise to victory in class at the 1977 Scottish Rally Championship was revealed for the very first time in TR Action 279 released back in January 2015. The story is that of true grit and determination, of running a rally team on a hugely tight budget and taking on the factory cars with great success.
Mark Treadwell
Marks first TR was a TR6 which he owned when he joined the TR Register 1979 and he also owns a TR4. On joining he immediately threw himself into all things TR and very shortly after joining got elected as Kent Group Leader a position he held from 1979 – 1986.
In 1992 Mark was elected to Committee/Board as South East Coordinator where he worked tirelessly to support members in his area until he stepped down in 2014. During that time Mark became the TR Registers first Deputy/Vice Chairman in 2003 a position he held until 2013, serving two Chairmen Ian Evans and Chris Cunnington, also during this period he was Chairman of the Admin Sub Committee.

The meeting also included a look back at the previous years activities in pictures which was presented as a video compiled by Wayne Scott:

Elsewhere, all directors positions up for election were uncontested and voted on by show of hands. The meeting recorded thanks for the hard work of Roger Hogarth and Nigel Jordan who had chosen not to stand for re-election to South – East and South area director positions respectively. There were no other candidates standing for these positions.

At the beginning of the meeting the accounts and the appointment of the independent reviewers Mulhall and Co. were all passed by show of hands. There was some discussion over the grammatical content of the minutes but the meeting approved these as a true reflection of the 2014 meeting.

Vice - chairman Chris Hale also informed the meeting that due to an error in the nomination, the vote for a new Honorary Vice President had to be withdrawn and deferred until the 2016 meeting.

Club officer's reports included the chairman's review of the year, read out on Phil Tucker's behalf by Chris Hale plus a report from the clubs magazine Editor and Press Officer Wayne Scott.

Further details on these reports will be available in the meeting minutes due to be published online in mid – December.

The following resolution was voted on via a poll to include all voters present and those voting via proxy. As per The Companies Act 2006, any resolution that requires a change to the clubs Articles of Association must be classed as a special resolution and therefore required a three-quarters majority. The following resolution was not supported by the membership and was therefore not adopted:

Resolution proposed by Ian Cornish (152) and seconded by Mike Ellis (299).
Articles of Association, TR Owners Club Ltd.
That the existing Clause 22(1), which states:
" An Honorary President of the Club may be nominated by the Directors and elected at the AGM to hold office for a period for life".
be replaced with the following:
" Clause 22(1) An Honorary President of the Club shall be elected by a vote of the members at an Annual General Meeting. An Honorary President shall hold office for a period of three years unless he resigns or becomes disqualified because a bankruptcy order is made against him, or because a composition is made with his creditors generally in satisfaction of his debts. If the Meeting at which an Honorary President retires from office does not elect another person to be Honorary President, the retiring Honorary President, if willing to act, shall continue in office until the end of the Annual General Meeting in the next following year. The period of notice for nomination as Honorary President shall be 60 days from the date of receipt of nomination to expire on the day before the AGM. The nomination must be accompanied by the names of the proposer and seconder (who must be Members of the Club) and a disclosure of the nominee's business and motoring interests."

Discussions under 'any other business' at the end of the meeting included questions from the floor relating to the role of the Honorary Vice President positions and also the announcement of the return of a TR Team to Le Mans Classic in 2016 from Paul Hogan. More details on that will follow in a future update soon.

The Annual TR Register Awards also took place following the conclusion of formal business at the Annual General Meeting with the following results:

GOLD AWARD Kevin Bryant
Andy Spencer

Andy West

BEST ARTICLE IN TR ACTION David Gillespie - TR3A restoration
BEST PICTURE IN TR ACTION Nigel Clueley - Spitfires over Peerless
WEBBY AWARD Arthur Williams, IG Sudwest

Andy Spencer was awarded a Gold Award for long and outstanding service as a Group Leader over two decades and Kevin Bryant was recognised for his continued hard work and dedication to providing the TR Register with two track days a year over the past few seasons. Clubmans awards this year recognised the organisation of the TR Register's Scottish Weekend by Cliff McKinnon and a tireless amount of voluntary work for Glavon group by Andy West.

The meeting enjoyed the amusing moment when Tony Sheach introduced himself to the wall of Avon Hall during the AutoSolo at this years TR International Weekend, a moment that scooped Tony Sheach the highly prized "Pratt of the Year Award". A previous pratt of three years running Wayne Scott said "Tony was a worthy winner for a truly special head in hands, DOH! .. moment."

This year the Wheelspinner award went to Wensum group for their heart warming display of compassion earlier on the year when they helped a mum who had lost her young daughter to illness surprise her TR5 fanatic father after he had provided her with such important support during a truly terrible time. Wensum group organised a hotel, lunch, dinner and a day of driving for Heather McCaughleys father who later said that it had been a truly special and memorable day.

TR Action awards went to David Gillespies serialised restoration of his TR3A and for best picture to Nigel Clueley for his awesome shot of Spitfires at Goodwood framed over his Peerless. The web award recognised an early adopter of the TR Register's new overseas group websites by IG Sudwest Germany's Arthur Williams.

The Eddie Holden Award, one of the TR Register's highest accolades this year went to Alan Gibb. Alan has spent the last three decades enthusiastically involving members in Scotland and beyond with the TR Register's activities in many roles within the club including his current position as Grampian Group leader.

This years AGM saw another award being announced on behalf of the entire Standard Triumph Movement. Representatives from the Stag Owners Club, Dolomite Club, Club Triumph and Standard Motor Club visited the meeting to recognise the outstanding contribution to the Standard Triumph movement that Graham Robson has given over many years, including the formation of the Standard Triumph Forum of clubs.

More details on the 2015 AGM will be included in the official minutes which will be published online during mid - December.

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