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April 6th 2017

Loads of stuff done, since the last entry, but not a lot to show. 1st issues. The windscreen frame won't fit properly. Tried all sorts of permutations, but it won't sit down nicely on the passenger side. I've left it for now and I've bought some different bottom rubbers to try. In the meantime we thought it was time to get on with the electrics. Paul has very kindly modified the loom to eliminate the voltage regulator and plumb in the volt meter wiring. All the new joints have been soldered. I've then loosely fitted the loom, then made up 2 plates to accommodate the extras and the relays. The 1st plate can be seen just in from of the windscreen motor which holds a separate fuse box for power distribution. the 2nd plate is on the n/s of the engine bay, which holds the standard fuse box/loom connections, and all the relays. Not finished yet by a long way, but good progress is being made. She also has her eyes back for the 1st time and the power steering fitment is now complete.

21st April 2017

The dash frame trim, crash pads, centre plinth etc, trimmed and glued into place. Then fitted the whole assembly . Had to dig out quite a bit of foam from the sides of centre plinth to get it all to fit, but got there in the end. With Paul's help some more wiring connected, and testing done before the final fit. A big forward step and thank goodness I had labelled all the connections before hand. Now I can fit the steering column and then back to completing some more wiring and the heater/choke cables etc.

24th April 2017

Steering column fitted, dashboard fitted. Eyeball vents fitted. I've yet to adjust the length of the inner column for the steering wheel to fit on the splines. Before fitting the dashboard, I've fitted the small bracket and rubber to the right hand top corner on the back of the dashboard for the glove box lid stop and the spring switch bracket for the glove box light and the stop bracket to the inside of the lid, plus the backing plate for the wiper switches. All a bit of a fiddle and you have to be careful to get the little screws in the right place, but done and now for all those wires, switches, cables and gauges.

28th April 2017

The small gauges now fitted. I wish I had 10 inch long fingers. Fiddly or what ! But they are in and all wired up with green LED dash bulbs.

3rd May 2017

The big dials and column switches fitted.A bit of a faff, as I fitted these once and ran the wires through the bottom dash/column bracket and because I have an extra set of wires for the dip switch (which is fitted to the left of the light switch) the column bracket wouldn't clamp down properly. So I had to take it all apart again and run the dip switch wires to the left of the column clamp. I've fitted green LED bulbs for the back lights, a blue LED for the main beam, a white LED for the oil warning light, standard bulbs for the indicator warning light and the ignition light. Took about 4hrs, but all done and I'm pleased.

4th May 2017

Wired up to test. The dash lights and headlights, dip main beam work - yoh..

6-9th May 2017

Spent a long time securing and connecting all the wires at the front of the engine bay for the headlights, indicators, side lights, thermo fan etc. Secured a new earth strap to the front of the chassis. Secured the front wing lights. Then trimmed and trial fitted the front radiator cover - No picture of that yet, but will insert later. Then fitted the grille. A bit stressful, as it's so near to the paintwork. Yet to fit the indicators and connect the final wiring. The dangling orange wire, is for the front fog lights. Other work, connected the choke cable, rocker pipe, air valve pipe and re-painted (twice) the air box. Wasn't happy with the 1st attempt. A busy weekend.

10th May 2017

The grille finished with the indicators and the rad cover made up and fitted.

And now the next project - prepare the H frame for the fog light switches, the radio and repair the feet etc for re-trimming. It's a TR6 frame and in pretty good shape, but the some of the side and feet vinyl is damaged.

1st June 2017

H Frame, repaired, re-trimmed and fitted plus warning lights and Sat nav wiring fitted to the ash tray.

Main bonnet pull fitted. Made up some S.Steel bracketry to fit. A simple, but very time consuming little job. It took about 4 -5 hrs. But very pleased with the end result.

Glove Box next, then the air pipes, then complete the wring for the fog lights and fan to the switches in the H frame.