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Red Rose Bulletin - February 2023

Red Rose Bulletin - February 2023

Hello and a belated Happy New Year to all our members.

We hope you all enjoyed reading the Red Rose Ramblings in January.

Before we go any further with this our first bulletin of the year, I need to draw your attention to a change of meeting date for this month!


The Antrobus Arms has a function on the 12th so we have agreed to move to the following week. The hospitality industry is struggling at the moment and we need to be flexible in order to ensure we have a venue to go to in the future!

The events meeting is always very popular so be sure to get there early to get a seat!

We will be outlining all the events that are available this year and planning our post meeting runs so if you have any ideas of places, we can go please drop us an email or let us know on the day.

We are also looking for some willing volunteers to do the post meeting runs so don’t be shy! We really do need your help!


As usual January was a fairly quiet month but the Red Rose AGM proved to be very popular and was very well attended.

As is now becoming a tradition the Red Rose Ramblings Annual was sent out to everyone via email but Jonathan did a run down for us of everything we had done as a club during 2022 and it was an extremely busy year!

John Leleu followed this with his financial report and it was confirmed that the TR Register grant would be used to buy a table and some cooking equipment to use alongside our gazebo at car shows. This has now been ordered.

We then moved on to the committee elections and everyone has agreed to remain in their current roles apart from John Leleu who will be stepping down as treasurer at the end of this year, Dave Roberts who has passed on the role of New Members Secretary to Tracie Bailey and Mike and Pauline Grimes who have handed their book of raffle tickets on to Gill Dyson.

Jonathan and I would like to thank John, Dave, and Mike and Pauline for all they have done for the club and we would also like to thank everyone who has agreed to continue to help us and a special thanks to our new volunteers Tracie and Gill.

We will need of a treasurer from January 2024 so if anyone would be willing to take over this role, please drop us an email.

It was then time for the much anticipated Red Rose Awards and the room waited with baited breath for the winners to be announced!

And the winners were:

Club/Promotion Award - Bob Eccles for all he has done for the club and the Register.

New Contributors Award - Keith and Linda Lewin for the fantastic run and assistance when Red Rose was hosting TS2.

Supporting The Group In A Particular Activity - Sian Chandler for volunteering to do runs along with Richard, for photos and updates on the Facebook group especially the France trip and for stepping in and helping sort out emergency meeting venues.

The Mike Connery Plate – Richard and Sian Chandler were voted by the group for the run to Bodnant Gardens.

Fund Raising Awards – Pauline and Mike Grimes for running the raffle and Gill Dyson for standing in when Mike and Pauline were on holiday.

Red Rose Cup – Yours truly was chosen by the GL who as you know is also my husband and it’s mainly for putting up with him but also for all my admin work such as doing the bulletins and the Facebook group and all the other things Jonathan ropes me into doing! I was very surprised and pleased!

The Broken Spanner Award – Bob Eccles – For his ongoing trials and tribulations with his TR.


The meeting was rounded off with the usual raffle and everyone was asked to have a think about ideas for runs in 2022 ready for the events meeting.



This year John and Jane Leleu have very kindly offered to do a Drive it Day run and visit to Jodrell Bank. (More details will follow nearer the time).


Classic & Performance Car Spectacular June 3rd and 4th.

The Passion for Power Classic Motor Show August 19th 20th.

Bernard Hayward has once again volunteered to coordinate the Tatton shows and has already been sent a booking form by the show organisers. He has applied for a 30-place plot for Red Rose on each of the show dates. Further details will be available shortly once our place is confirmed but it’s a great day out and it will only cost you the price of posting out your ticket!

Why Come To Tatton?

  • Your pride and joy will be admired by thousands all weekend.
  • Club stands will receive a vehicle pass per car, and two exhibitor passes.
  • You will be entered into a variety of awards including the prestigious 'Best in Show' prize!

Camping is available for just £20 per person on a first come, first serve basis. Available for exhibitors only. (You need to contact the event direct to book camping not Red Rose!).


John and Anne Thorp have booked 12 spaces for the club this year

If you are interested in attending, please email us and it will be first come first served! This is a popular event and so much more than a static car show with lots going on in the village and by the canal as well as on the main field.



  • 12th February - The International MG & Triumph Spares Day
  • 19th February - Red Rose Events Meeting - Antrobus Arms


The Group Leaders meeting is taking place on Saturday 11th March and Jonathan and I will be attending

Hopefully you will have all read the “letter to all from the chairman” and “Keeping the Spark Alive” artical in TR Action 342 if not Jonathan will be giving a short presentation on the current proposals, as we understand them to be, at the March events meeting and if anyone has any points they would like us to raise at the Group Leaders Meeting in relation to the Five-Year Plan then please email us ideally before the 4th March.

12th - Red Rose Meeting – Antrobus Arms

24th – 26th _ NEC Practical Classics Restoration Show.

26th – Huddersfield Autojumble


TR Register Scottish Weekend - 19th- 21st May 2023

Red Rose Llanerchindda Trip – Monday 29th May – Thursday 1st June

MG & Triumph 100 - 10th- 11th June - Silverstone Circuit

Aysgarth Weekend - 7th - 9th July (details TBC)

TR Register International Weekend 11th ­- 13th August

Caroline Smith

Please click here for pdf version: Red-Rose-Bulletin-February-2023.pdf

Red Rose Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times