Red Rose Bulletin - January 2022
Hello everyone and Happy New Year!
I hope everyone is safe and well and that you all had a lovely Christmas.
Things were a little hectic in the Smith house in the run up to Christmas with the never ending home improvements and the December bulletin never quite made it onto a screen near you.
Things are still busy hence this edition being a little late but hopefully I am back on track now.
The end of the year was fairly quiet but I do have a few events to report on.
November Round Up
Not a great deal to report on for November. We had our usual meeting with 46 people in the room and an impressive number of TR’S in the car park.
Our annual quiz also made a welcome return and once again David Rhodes delivered it in his own unique style and the questions as always were fiendishly difficult with of course one on George Formby!
On behalf of all the members who attend I would like to thank David for organising the quiz and for providing the chocolates. It was very entertaining and everyone really enjoyed it.
The coveted Bright Sparks trophy was won by this motley crew! And very pleased they look with themselves too!
A few of our members visited the NEC 12th - 14th November and l am told it was well worth the trip with lots to see in the many halls.
December Round Up
Our monthly meeting and Christmas lunch went ahead with 40 people sitting down to a lovely meal although we never did find out who ate Richards turkey!
We had a bumper raffle with lots of lovely prizes and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Pauline and Mike for continuing to do such a great job sorting it out every month.
It was also decided that Red Rose is in much need of a new gazebo and you will be pleased to know that this has now been purchased so we will have adequate protection from the elements once again.
December also brought us the TR Action and if you haven’t read it yet have a look as Richard Chandlers report on the Scotland trip is well worth a read with lots of photos and amusing tales of what they all got up to.
The end of the year did however bring some not very glad tidings!
The current landlady at The Cock @ Budworth is moving on and the pubs owners are looking for someone to take over the tenancy.
At this moment in time we don’t know where that leaves us however the cock at Budworth is still available for our meeting on the 9th January . A temporary Landlord will be stepping in and we are ok for our January meeting but after that we could once again be on the search for a new venue to hold our meetings at.
I have spoken to the pub this week and they do have some interested parties but as to whether we will still be able to have use of the room there remains to be seen.
This is a real blow to us all as we are very happy where we are but we will just have to wait and see what happens.
As soon as we get more information we will let you know but in the mean time we need a plan B.
We have already had a few suggestions put forward and are following up on them but in the meantime if anyone has any further suggestions as to where we might move to should the need arise then please let us know.
Coming Up
MG And Triumph Spares Day Sunday 23rd January
Anyone looking to stock up on essentials might be interested in attending this event at the Telford International Centre.
Tickets are £10 in advance or £12 on the day.
Who’s Who In Red Rose
Some of you may remember that at our October meeting Mike and Pauline Grimes brought an old folder entitled Who’s Who In Red Rose with the idea that it could be added to and updated.
It was very interesting looking at members and their cars both past and present. Some of us have changed quite a bit!
Mike has uploaded a file with a suggested template onto the group Facebook page so if you’re at a loose end during this cold weather why not have a look and then add yourselves and your car.
It will give everyone a laugh in years to come if nothing else!
Hopefully 2022 will see the world return to as near normal as its ever going to get and we hope to see as many of you as possible at a meeting or event during the year.
Dates for your diary
9th January - Meeting at The Cock @ Budworth
23rd January- MG and Triumph Spares Day
13th February - Meeting at The Cock @ Budworth ( To be confirmed)
Please click here for pdf version: Red-Rose-Bulletin-January-2022.pdf