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Nene Valley Social Scene April 2017

Nene Valley Social Scene April 2017

With the advent of some better weather, we have been actively getting out and about. It was really good to join forces with our friends in the Leicester group to visit Crich Tramway Museum on April 2nd. The outdoor museum is excellent, with trams, workshops, a pub (good food!) and a selection of period buildings to enjoy. Thanks to the organisation of Tony Richards and the Leicester group we had over twenty TRs there-in fact, we became the main attraction for much of the day.

Drive it Day was also well-attended by Nene Valley and we really enjoyed Bicester Heritage Centre. It was great to see TS2 in attendance. The Flywheel event there in June looks like being another great day out.

We were pleased to welcome a good number of our Leicester group friends again at our club night on May 4th, when they performed a "raid" in the time-honoured manner. The quiz night with sausage and chips and a raffle was a roaring success-and a team from the Leicester group led by Phil Gunn won the grand prize-well done you raiders! Thanks to Mike Scott and Jim Harwood for the organisation and many thanks to all group members present for treating the proceedings-and me as quizmaster-with appropriate reverence and quiet dignity (well, heckling and plenty of humour anyway!)

Let's hope the weather continues to improve so we can get our tops off, so to speak!

Nene Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times