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TR Action London Group report for issue 312

TR Action London Group report for issue 312

Well I don't know what happened last month (left hand right hand, etc) anyway, no report sure does not mean no activities. We had a great Christmas party and saw off 2018 in style. Now I thought January was supposed to be quiet month, with all our beloved TRs safely tucked up dry and warm in their winter hibernation cocoons, so when 19 cars arrived for our visit to Brooklands on New Year's Day, I was both pleased and surprised plus a little alarmed. Well on arrival at the queue to Brooklands it was clear that the turn out for the event was going to be large. Quick thinking new member (although we've seen him many times) Richard Newman in beautiful blue TR6 who was in front of me jumped out of his car and suggested we use a different entrance only available to BTM members. On entry we positioned ourselves in our designated spot half way up the start/finish straight right in front of the newly refurbished "Bellman" Hanger, as you can see from the picture quite a position, it was a very good start to 2019

January also saw two very well attended group meetings and more befitting to the winter season TRLG went 10 pin bowling. Well done to David Boucher for organising a brilliant event. We filled both booked lanes, had 2 games, had a few drinks, had a snack half way through, laughed a lot, were all extremely supportive of any failed gulley filled shots, congratulated all the better shots and generally had a great time. Peter Keefe was far and away the best 10 pin bowler although it must be said Neil Kemp did mount an early challenge.

Finally, then, come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can generally find us on the third Thursday of every month at the Star Inn Malden Rushett or on the 1st Thursday of the month at different locations (more often than not the Rose of York in Richmond) but, please keep an eye on your emails or on the web site Both club nights now start from about 8:30pm.

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times