TR Lincs November 2022 Newsletter
Here we are well and truly in to the off season for our TRs and looking forward to Christmas and what goodies we may get from Santa and maybe even some TR related bits and pieces. You can never have too many bits! It is at this time of year we start to plan the events for 2023 and we have some already in the pipeline for our group, more on those later.
As you know I attended a Group Leaders meeting earlier this month to discuss the future strategy for the wider TR Register and seeking to make it relfect the needs and wants of TR enthusiasts and owners in 2023 and beyond. You will have read about the work being undertaken by the Strategy Group formed to take the debate forward in the latest issue of TR Action. You can assist in some of their work by completing the survey to Shape Future Events for the TR Register. I'm sure many of you will have already filled it out as the closing date is the 30th. If not then you can access it by clicking HERE. Please take the few minutes needed as then you can help inform the Register of your views and assist in the formulation of future formats.
We have one event to finish off the year and you can read about that below. As always I need your help in pulling together the TR Lincs 2023 local programme of events and run. A big thank you to the few of you who have already volunteered to arrange a run next year but we need more. If you want to have a go at arranging one then please let me know as soon as you can so that I can complete the 2023 events calendar.
Looking forward to seeing some of you at the Splash next month.
Group Leader
Forthcoming Events
Our 2022 swan song is already well booked up with 18 attending to date. I did advertise this in the last newsletter and quite a number of you said you would like to attend. Unfortunately a few didn't leave your names so I don't know who you are. Those who did leave contact details have already had an email from me requesting their food choices. If you haven't had that email from me then please complete your food choices by completing the form by clicking HERE. If you hadn't thought about attending but would now like to attend then please complete the form (asap) above and pick your food from the menu which you can view by clicking HERE. Last year we had a great time at the The Royal Oak, aka The Splash, Watery Lane, Little Cawthorpe, Louth LN11 8LZ. I will let those who are attending know who else is going should you wish to pass your Christmas cards on and save on postage.
TR Leicester Group Annual Dinner - Saturday, 21st January 2023, Nuneaton.
There is still time to join the TR Register Leicester Group at The Millers, Sibson Road, Nuneaton CV13 6LB for their annual dinner on Saturday 21 January 2023. Those of us that went last year thoroughly enjoyed a lively evening with our Leicester Group friends and if you would like to join them in January then please contact Jennie Holyoak either via or via WhatsApp on 07989 533389 to let her know you are attending. If you wish to stay overnight then please book directly with the hotel via 01827 880223 stating you are attending the dinner.
TR Lincs Annual Dinner - Saturday, 25th February 2023, Louth.
As I mentioned in a previous newsletter our Annual Dinner for 2023 will be held at a new venue for us, The Brackenborourgh Hotel, Cordeaux Close, Louth LN11 0SZ on Saturday 25th February 2023 at an estimated cost of £35 per head. I have secured a number of rooms overnight for those that would wish to stay over with prices ranging from £100 to £130, dependant on room type for two people B&B. To assist me at this stage with planning the event, can you please indicate if you are thinking of attending by completing a form by clicking the link HERE. Once I have an idea of attendees I will get back to you with more information etc.
TR Lincs Tour of the Yorkshire Dales - 9th to 12th May, 2023
The TR Lincs Tour to the Yorkshire Dales is now full with all 15 rooms taken at the hotel. If you would like to go on a reserve list then please let me know.
November TR Lincs Events Review
TR Lincs Lunchtime Meet - November 12th.
Saturday 12th November saw 19 TR Lincs members enjoy a lunchtime get together at the Adam and Eve, Wragby. As always we were made to feel very welcome there and the chance to catch up with everybody was welcomed. We did have two open top cars attend. Jane and Laurence Gray turned up in their rather grand Mazda MX5 but the price has to go to Chris and Oenone Stoodley for turning up in their very nice TR2 - well done both.
Advanced Notice - next two months. Full details in our events calendar.
December 15th - TR Lincs Luncheon, Royal Oak, Cawthorpe
February 25th, 2023 - TR Lincs Annual Dinner, Louth
March 26th, 2023 - TR Lincs AGM (note date change)
Driving around at this time of year you do see some less than ideal behaviour from some drivers, but as the short film below shows, not a lot has improved over the last 60 odd years! Click HERE to view!