LVG Events Calendar 2024
Members and Friends
Following a visit to Pistons & Props at Sywell which saw monsoon rain in late September (see the report in Social Scene), the 2024 Classic car season is coming to an end.
We still meet at least monthly, with many attending in their TR’s, but you don’t need a classic to be in the club or attend. Come along and say hello, it would be great to see you.
TRR - LVG Committee
Note: Monthly lunchtime meeting dates are always on the third Sunday
Bold type denotes LVG will be attending and members are especially encouraged to attend
Please check event website nearer the date to ensure accuracy.
Events that have a * are TRR organised or Eastern Area organised.
Please contact Phil or Mike for more details of any of the events listed @ :-
Phil: 07919 037321 - Mike: 07847 585120
Sun 15th - Sunday Lunchtime Meeting – Cock at Broom - Christmas Lunch - Pre booking essential.
January 2025
Sun 19th - Members Meeting and Kick Off Lunch @ Mount Pleasant Golf Club, SG16 6JL Numbers and pre booking will be sought nearer the event - put in your diary now.