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Drive your Triumph Day - 10th February 2023
10th February was Sir John Blacks birthday and our Triumph chums in America have been celebrating this day each year by taking their Triumphs out for a drive. LVG have participated for a couple of years now and although it is still Winter in the UK, there is usually a good turnout, which this year included TRR Camb Followers and the local TSSC. Sir John was the man who organized Standard's purchase of Triumph after WW II, and went on to make the cars we enjoy driving today. Drive Your Triumph Day has gained momentum every year, and last year over 600 photos from all over the world: Scotland, Ireland, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Uruguay, Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Canada, Holland, Czech Republic, and of course all over the USA, were posted on a Facebook page, by the main US organiser. https://www.facebook.com/Drive-Your-Triumph-Day-118050974550900/photos/?ref=page_internal