Kennet Valley TR Group Member is awarded Honorary Membership of the TR Register

Kennet Valley TR Group member Chris Hale has been awarded Honorary membership of the TR Register for his services to the club.
Chris Hale became a member of the TRR committee in 2001, taking over from John Soffe as Overseas Co-ordinator. He very quickly became a dedicated and hardworking member of the management team helping out wherever there was a need. He set up an effective network with the overseas groups and clubs and efficiently organised UK participation in the European meetings over many years. He was also instrumental in recruiting a number of overseas clubs into the TR Register Family and this year's European event in Dijon was a direct result of these efforts.
Chris organised a highly successful 2010 UK Euro meeting and Tour, managing a difficult situation when the chosen Hotel for the event was badly damaged by fire. At very short notice he had to find an alternative venue for one hundred and sixty guests. Chris was also part of a small team that took on the complex task of reviewing and rewriting the club's articles in 2013/14.
In 2014 he took on the role of Vice Chairman where he showed his true colours by stepping up to the challenge and coolly taking over when his Chairman fell ill at the AGM. He continued to support his ailing Chairman for most of the following year, displaying the skills of an effective Vice-Chairman able to take over at short notice. During this period he keep on top of his overseas duties, organised winter balls and numerous technical seminars.
Chris stood down from the board in November 2016 after serving the club for 15 years, but continues as an active member of the TR Register.
Kennet Valley TR Group sends hearty congratulations to Chris and this well deserved award from the TR Register.