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Kennet Valley TR Group enjoy Easter Monday at Spring Vehicle show, Newbury

Kennet Valley TR Group enjoy Easter Monday at Spring Vehicle show, Newbury

Mike Field writes: T'was a bit chilly on the day, when 8 members turned out on Easter Monday for the Spring Vehicle Meet, held at Newbury Showground.

This is an annual meet, the event having moved to this venue just a few short years ago, after having been at Wyke Down, Andover, for many years.

There were 7 KVG cars in attendance, the 8th member being Paul Woodham, who had a stall at the show, to sell some of his vast collection of spares and wares. The autojumble available was a lot bigger than I have seen previously, as well as tools and equipment vendors, so I think the organisers have made a special effort to encourage a larger showing, for their 25th anniversary of this event. There were also a few more TR7's from the TSSC, and a couple of unknown TR's around the showground. Luckily, although chilly and overcast, this year we were not 'rained off' and the event was well attended, with a good variety of mainly classic cars, unlike 2016, well remembered by the very few that attempted to entry the mud pyre, although it did thin out fairly early afternoon, because of the cold. We also had a visit from Peter & Audrey Heywood during the day. Peter was on the lookout for some tools, having lost most of his a couple of years ago from a garage theft, and announced the purpose was to maintain an Austin 7 that his son had acquired for him. Looking forward to seeing Peter's new little gem, in the future.

Kennet Valley Group

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