East Riding Group - Roger & Anita's Run Report - March 2024
Roger and Anita’s
Cobwebs Run – 17th March 2024
Well, the weather gods were not on our side today. There had been a lot of rain overnight and as we gathered at Deepdale car park for a 10:30 start, the rain continued although less intense.
We had four TRs lined up, three 6’s and a 5 plus four everyday cars, some a bit more than ‘every day’. Richard in his TR6 called on the mobile to say he was running a bit late due to an unexpected oil leak and we agreed to meet up at the break point near Fimber roundabout.
So, off into the rain we went, hoods up sadly. The roads were pretty much awash but ok with the right amount of care. As we got further north into farming country mud on the road became more of an issue so we had to go gently with direction changes. All went well until just before meeting the Wetwang road where we were confronted with a flood right across both lanes with an estimated depth of 12 inches or so. It was navigated by all cars, low gear and slow speed to keep the bow wave down to avoid ingress into the cars and wet feet! From there it was swiftly on to the break at Fimber and meet up with Richard.
A motorcyclist taking a break at Fimber applauded us for taking our TRs out in the poor conditions which made us feel it was all worthwhile. From Fimber we headed North towards Sherburn to cross the A64. The condition of the roads had deteriorated with much mud and puddles, some containing quite large potholes, sorry guys. The next leg was on to meet the A170 at Gallows Hill. Travelling East along the 170 was a big change with nice smooth roads even though the traffic was much heavier. We followed the 170 to the roundabout in East Ayton, left at the roundabout and in a short distance right into the café at Betton/Honey Farm. There was plenty of room to park up due to the inclement weather and we sat down for a leisurely lunch right on cue.
As we finished lunch the rain stopped and we were treated to some sunshine on our homeward journey. We all agreed the one good thing about a rain-soaked run is the lack of cyclists, unless you are into men in Lycra.
The day had passed with no further car problems thankfully. We unfortunately could not see most of the lovely views but were compensated by the thousands of daffodils all along the route
At home the car got a good swill down with the hose; need to do the engine bay next as the fan had picked up the flood water and thrown dirt all over, so be it!
Thank you all for attending and making it a great day.