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Jim Johnstone : TR Register Gold Award
You may have heard the special news about our local member, Jim Johnstone, on the TR Register website (https://www.tr-register.co.uk/article/2019/11/0208/TR-Register-at-the-NEC-Classic-Motor-Show). Whilst exhibiting his race car at the NEC Classic Motor Show, Jim was taken aback when Wayne Scott gathered everybody around the TR Register stand to make an announcement. Jim gradually realised that he was the subject of the discussion! The TR Register Gold Award recognises Jim's long standing service to the club. Presenting the award, TR Action Magazine Editor Wayne Scott said, “Jim Johnstone has served as an area coordinator as well as being something of a superstar in motorsport throughout his long career. He began hillclimbing a single seater back in the 1960s and was one of the last competitors at the Bo’ness Hillclimb in Scotland. He has been an avid supporter of the TR Register both on a national scale and locally supporting groups and organising the annual display of TRs at the Newby Hall Show.” The Cleveland Local Group congratulate Jim on this well deserved award.