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About Camb Followers

Group Leader : Tracy Core

Camb Followers were formed in 1976, and covers the areas around Peterborough and Cambridge. We are currently changing how we meet as a Club, so please refer to my monthly newsletter for the up to date information.

It would be great to see you at a club event - with or without your TR - I recall our first meetings as members were before we had bought our first car - always a good conversation topic!!

As a member you should be receiving a monthly Newsletter from me by email - if not - please get in touch as I can add you to our mailing list, or I can pop a copy in the post if you'd prefer.

We aim to offer a variety of events throughout the year, including drives out, car shows, picnics, fetes and county shows - hopefully something for all to enjoy. Our Club meetings are a great time to catch up with friends over a cuppa or a beer, we include quizzes and raffles to support our chosen charity MAGPAS and hope to have some speakers for some of our evenings in the future too.

We have a great Committee which is made up of : Alan Burwood, Debs Corney, Frank De'ath, George & Joke Whyment, Alan & Martina Johnson and Phil Core - all have a broad wealth of knowledge on all things TR related - great assets to have in our Club for sure!

Hope to see or hear from you soon....

Camb Followers Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times