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Brunel Newsletter No 189 - June 2017

Brunel Newsletter No 189 - June 2017

Group Leader Ramblings

Well, as planned, I retired at the end of April which would have given more time for things like my TR, the Brunel Group, and a couple of other things I get involved in.Best laid plans and all that.After two weeks I started work again, working on these new aircraft carriers are addictive, not sure how long it will go on but I'll continue to do my best for the group.

In response to public opinion and to some extent lack of time, the newsletters are becoming shorter and shorter, and this month I think I've nailed it.So:

  • Social reports are still in.Other entries from members always welcome.
  • Social Events coming up divided into:
    • Events organised by someone else which we just turn up at
    • Brunel Events

Part of the reason for this is that Elf is having to focus on other things going on in her life and cannot continue to run the Social side, at least for a while.So any/all Brunel Events will now need a Lead if it is going to happen.

Derek and Derek will hopefully continue to help with making it happen.

  • Technical Talk stays in – partly because I could do with some input on hoses.
  • Officers and Contact details stay in
  • The agenda goes because I think I'm getting the hang of the meetings
  • The Events calendar goes because I have already put it on our website
  • The Contacts List goes and will be reissued as a separate document as changes come in.
  • A For Sale heading has been added.Initially to help Elf sell her wheels but anyone else wanting to sell cars, parts, or tools can let me know for next month.

If anyone has any objections please let me know.

A takeaway issue from last month was TS2.I contacted Derek Hurford (TR Register Director – South) and our thought on using our annual allowance for TS2 didn't seem to impress!He is on the page of staging special TS2 fundraising events, but going from last month I don't see much of an appetite within the group.Let's keep an open mind.He also offered to check if the spares handed over with TS2 were kept for the car and not lost or used elsewhere.

Andy and Viv came down to see Rosemary and I during the month and brought all the group regalia, so it is all sitting in my garage for anyone to use, including a valve spring compressor and road spring compressor.I couldn't get the second post to hold up the flagpole on the baseplate for Somerset Triumphs to use at the Bristol Classic Car Show so between Bob Sackley and his neighbour (an MGB owner!) they made a spare by screwcutting a metric thread on an imperial lathe – a bit of a challenge as some may know.

I will take this opportunity to welcome David Radford from Fishponds, and I understand from Bob Sackley he is interested in a sidescreen TR so any owners might like to offer their thoughts at a club night or event.

Brunel TRs Group

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