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Newsletter - February 2017 (No185)

Newsletter - February 2017 (No185)

So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish

I was going to send out all of the AGM details with a covering email but as you have all had to wait over six months for a newsletter I thought that I had better try and go out on a relative high. Well, I can try. Not that there will be a great deal of news.

I am also going to make this my end of term report to save you having to listen to me at the meeting, as I am sure that we have more important matters to discuss.

In hindsight I should have stood down as Group Leader at last year's AGM but with no one willing to step forward I made the wrong decision. I feel extremely guilty that I have not served you well over the past six months. For whatever reason my heart has not been in it and it is a great relief that I feel confident that the group will now be in the very capable hands of Dave Green. It has taken a while but I am happy that with your continued and unstinting support, Brunel will go from strength to strength. I think that your support has kept this group afloat.

It is my intention that I will step into the background somewhat and let Dave run the group in his way but I have reassured him that I will always be willing to offer advice when needed.

I must say that I have enjoyed my two stints as your Group Leader and feel extremely proud of what we have achieved. The TR Register is strong and hopefully moving forward once again.

The attached Social Calendar is looking very good indeed and packed with events which I hope will prove popular. It is then over to you,the members of Brunel to support Dave in every way you can and to make his leadership an enjoyable one

I look forward as always to seeing as many of you as possible at the Jubilee Inn for our Annual General Meeting. I will 'chair' the meeting and hand over to Dave at the close and give him time to answer any questions that you may have. It is also planned that Derek Hurford, TR Register South Director will also attend and give an update from the Board.

So with homage to the late Douglas Adams for the title it is time to move on with a couple of new projects In the pipeline I will not be disappearing completely for a couple of years at the least.


Brunel's officers and contact details

Group Leader/Website

Dave Green

Email :


Roddy Halliwell

Mobile:07768 322982


Social Committee Co-ordinator

Elf Harris

tel: 0117 9082155

mobile: 07969 191168


Brunel TRs Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times